My answer was initially the same as above, except I give the link to the di fm radio and not sky radio. The link would be something like this:
And you get radio name by clicking on any of the radios, it will be
so this is the manual way to do it, and not all at once. And I'm not sure if it works for all stations.
It's not 5 clicks per station, it's just 1 hover and 1 click, but even if that sounds like a lot, you can right click on the Stations button and do an Inspect element and expand the submenu and the lists divs. There you can find the names of the stations and you're 1 copy paste away. Ooor, without expanding any further, copy the ul elements, paste them in a txt file and start doing find/replace to turn for instance:
<li data-ga-event="MainNav,channel-dropdown-click,@data-channel-key" data-channel-key="00sclubhits" data-channel-id="324"></li>
How? First part is easy, notepad is enough, just replace this
<li data-ga-event="MainNav,channel-dropdown-click,@data-channel-key" data-channel-key="
And for the 2nd part you can google "notepad++ regex" and install notepad++ and come up with:
" data-channel-id="(\d)*"></li>
being replaced with
Then trim out the ul elements or replace them with empty string. In the end you will have em all in 1 file, like this:
. If you want this done in 1 go, I suggest you pick up Java and do a crawler for the main page in case they change them and you don't want to go through this again.
I have yet to know how to get them all in a playlist or save them all at once from such a file. Either save each manually (you can use this
if you don't want to paste each in a tab, but you still have to click Save As... ) or again automated with some script (I also found this but idk how trustworthy it is:
), or add each Location manually and save them all into 1 big playlist. It's all a 2 step because the .pls that they give you contains the true links.