I'm in the process of migrating my productivity list from a Google Doc to Trello because I really like the workflow concept that Trello enables users to use.
The trouble I'm having right now though is finding a good way to use a card to link to external resources as I have been accustomed to doing in Google Docs. For example, in my productivity list I have a category for things I want to read on performance-oriented CSS, and below the heading is a list of links to articles I've come across.
I know that I could simply copy and paste URLs into a card, but then A) I have to copy and paste them into the browser again (rather than simply clicking on them) to get to the article, and B) I cannot display the title of the article as the text, I'm limited to simply using the entire URL for the title of a card, which seems really cumbersome and counter-intuitive to the advantages of the Trello user interface.
So does anyone know if/how I can accomplish this?
EDIT: FTR I did try to use Markdown as suggested in this answer, but unless I just failed to do it correctly, it didn't work.