I have a bunch of albums that I need to delete from Picasaweb. Is there a way to do this, or do I have to go through them one at a time to delete them?

5 Answers 5


You could use the Google Command Line tool.

google picasa list  
google picasa delete --title "Your album name"  

You would have to create a batch file to delete multiple albums by name.

Or try typing in part of an album name as a wildcard. Experiment with it. It will prompt you with a confirmation on every album that matches the wildcard as seen below:

yes | google picasa delete --title "2010."
HINT: No need to include "google" in interactive mode
Are you SURE you want to delete album "2010.8.09"? (y/N): y
Are you SURE you want to delete album "2010.08.09"? (y/N): y
Are you SURE you want to delete album "2010.08.14"? (y/N): y
Are you SURE you want to delete album "2010.07.29"? (y/N): y
Are you SURE you want to delete album "2010.06.09"? (y/N): y
  • Thanks for this. For some reason the google picasa list command never returns for me. But the deleting worked. Also It crashed on the first album (Auto Backup) if I selected all albums ".*", but otherwise this saved me hours for deleting thousands of albums.
    – Marius
    Commented Jul 22, 2013 at 0:21
  • 1
    This could've been the greatest answer ever if only Google Command Line Tool still worked: as of October 2015, since OAuth1 doesn't seem to be supported any longer by Google, these command line tools don't work any more. From the link provided in the answer: 8 June 2015: GoogleCL is currently broken due to the OAuth1 turndown, and likely to remain so. Thanks for your support over the years, and apologies for the lack of prior notice. Commented Oct 11, 2015 at 14:18

This Linux shell script will delete all albums from your Picasa account. It uses curl in combination with the Google Picasa Web-API. Just change the username and password regarding your account in the script.


# Tutorial: https://developers.google.com/gdata/articles/using_cURL
# Requires: curl, grep, sed

USERNAME="[email protected]"

# authenticate
AUTH_KEY=$(curl --silent "https://www.google.com/accounts/ClientLogin?accountType=$ACCOUNT&Email=$USERNAME&Passwd=$PASSWORD&service=$SERVICE" | grep 'Auth=' | sed -e 's|Auth=||g')
AUTH_HEADER="Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=$AUTH_KEY"

# get album list for deletion
RESPONSE=$(curl --silent --header "$AUTH_HEADER" "http://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/api/user/default")
ALBUM_LIST_EDIT=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | sed -e 's|<link rel=.edit. type=.application/atom+xml. href=.|\n|g;s|./><link|\n|g' | grep '^http://')

# delete all albums
    echo "$ALBUM" | sed 's|.*api|\.|g'
    curl --request DELETE --header "$AUTH_HEADER" "$ALBUM"
  • This was a good idea but it no longer works, so don't bother. When I attempt to perform the first request manually I am instructed to go to developers.google.com/identity/protocols/AuthForInstalledApps, which in turn says this: Important: ClientLogin has been officially deprecated since April 20, 2012 and is now no longer available. Requests to ClientLogin will fail with a HTTP 404 response. We encourage you to migrate to OAuth 2.0 as soon as possible. Commented Oct 11, 2015 at 14:27

There doesn't appear to be a way to delete multiple albums from the web interface. You'll need to do them one at a time. (It makes sense, really. Imagine the mess you would make if you deleted whole swaths of your albums at once in error.)


(originally from a comment by Shannon Wagner)

In Picasa 3, the feature to delete empty web albums is found at Tools | Experimental | Delete Empty Web Albums. (source)

I have used this feature many times.

  • Does this still work now that Picasa Web Albums has been almost entirely replaced by Google Photos?
    – ale
    Commented Aug 17, 2016 at 14:59

You can remove multiple PWA online albums from within the Picasa application: http://support.google.com/picasa/answer/187407

ToolsBatch UploadRemove Online → Simply select the albums you'd like to remove and click OK.

  • I'm receiving a message saying that "photos can't be deleted from Google+" when trying this. Commented Jan 10, 2014 at 8:43

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