You can make a Bookmarklet in your browser in order to catch the description of each video in the list and then print them all in a textarea.
For example this script will create a list with the url's and the names of the videos. Simply create a bookmark and add the following script in the address (URL) of the bookmark:
javascript:var Description = "Export YouTube playlists. This script is in the Public Domain - created at: 2016-11-21";
function printline(myLine) {
function showlinks() {
var today = new Date();
var day = today.getDate();
var month = today.getMonth()+1;
var year = today.getFullYear();
document.write("<html><head><title>YouTube list: " + Title + "</title></head><body>");
printline("<textarea name='Links' rows='55' cols='200'>");
printline(year + "-" + month + "-" + day);
printline(Title +"\n"+url);
for (i=0; i<lines.length; i++) printline(lines[i]);
var url = document.URL;
var body = document.body.innerHTML;
var lines = [];
if (url.match(/ {
var x = body.match(/data-list-title=.*/)[0];
var x = x.replace(/.*data-list-title="/, '');
var Title = x.replace(/".*/, '');
var body = body.replace(/data-video-id="/g, 'data-video-id="');
if (body.match(/li {
var matches = body.match(/li*/g);
for(i=0; i<matches.length; i++) {
var x = matches[i];
var ID = x.replace(/.*data-video-id=./, "");
var ID = ID.replace(/".*/, "");
var VName = x.replace(/.*data-video-title=./, "");
var VName = VName.replace(/".*/, "");
var x = VName;
var x = ID + "\t" + VName;
In case you don't want the url's of the videos, then simply delete the line "var x = ID + "\t" + VName;" (line 36)
This script should work for a while, until YouTube will change the formatting of their HTML pages. When they will do that, you will have to adjust the script accordingly - most likely, you will have to search for something else instead of "data-video-title="