Today I realized I lost 2+ years of web account/password data that was synced across all of my Chrome instances (iOS, Win7, total of 4 computers). My bookmarks were OK. It's happened to a few people over the years, with not much explanation at least one explanation about how to avoid it (probably the data gets corrupted). So I'm wondering how can I back up this data (offline or otherwise).
Edit: Google has restored the data for me and others. As far as I know, it's a gracious favor for them to do that (no guarantees about the quality of this data, etc.). Even more reason to be able to back this up ourselves.
Note for those who are voting to close this question because it's not for Web Apps: I posted here because the password data is stored in the cloud, on Google's servers, in a Google Account. The password data is not local to a browser.
- maybe that's it (I don't know since when it's there)