A3:A = "", "" ,SUMIF(
), "<=" &
) ,A3:A
Option suggested by Adam.
- the last parameter of SUMIF needs to be always a "valid range"
- not easy to add new cummulative sum by key, add complex conditions
=INDEX(IF(A3:A="""","""" ,
, -- A3:A)))
Option suggested by User0.
- slows down your calculations
Manual formulas
Row | A | B | B's formula
1 | 1 | 1 | =1 (or =A1)
2 | 2 | 3 | =1+2 (or =A2+B1)
3 | 3 | 6 | =1+2+3 (or =A3+B2)
- will not refresh automatically, have to preserve space for the next entries.
My try is to use a custom formula:
Sample file
Source code
* Get running total for the array of numbers
* by [email protected]
* @param {array} numbers The array of numbers
* @param {number} total_types (1-dafault) sum, (2) avg, (3) min, (4) max, (5) count;
* 1-d array or number
* @param {number} limit number of last values to count next time.
* Set to 0 (defualt) to take all values
* @param {array} keys (optional) array of keys. Function will group result by keys
* @return The hex-code of cell background & font color
* @customfunction
function runningTotal(numbers, total_types, limit, keys) {
// possible types to return
var oTypes = {
'1': 'sum',
'2': 'avg',
'3': 'min',
'4': 'max',
'5': 'count'
// checks and defaults
var errPre = '🥴 ';
if( typeof numbers != "object" ) {
numbers = [ [numbers] ];
total_types = total_types || [1];
if( typeof total_types != "object" ) {
total_types = [ total_types ];
if( keys && typeof keys != "object" ) {
keys = [ [keys] ];
if (keys) {
if (numbers.length !== keys.length) {
throw errPre + 'Numbers(' +
numbers.length +
') and keys(' +
keys.length +
') are of different length'; }
// assign types
var types = [], type, k;
for (var i = 0; i < total_types.length; i++) {
k = '' + total_types[i];
type = oTypes[k];
if (!type) {
throw errPre + 'Unknown total_type = ' + k;
limit = limit || 0;
if (isNaN(limit)) {
throw errPre + '`limit` is not a Number!';
limit = parseInt(limit);
// calculating running totals
var result = [],
subres = [],
nodes = {},
key = '-',
var defaultNode_ = {
values: [],
count: 0,
sum: 0,
max: null,
min: null,
avg: null,
maxA: Number.MIN_VALUE,
maxB: Number.MIN_VALUE,
maxC: Number.MIN_VALUE,
minA: Number.MAX_VALUE,
minB: Number.MAX_VALUE,
minC: Number.MAX_VALUE
for (var i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
val = numbers[i][0];
// find correct node
if (keys) { key = keys[i][0]; }
node = nodes[key] ||
* For findig running Max/Min
* sourse of algorithm
* /sliding-window-maximum-maximum-of-all-subarrays-of-size-k/
// max
//reset first second and third largest elements
//in response to new incoming elements
if (node.maxA<val) {
node.maxC = node.maxB;
node.maxB = node.maxA;
node.maxA = val;
} else if (node.maxB<val) {
node.maxC = node.maxB;
node.maxB = val;
} else if (node.maxC<val) {
node.maxC = val;
// min
if (node.minA>val) {
node.minC = node.minB;
node.minB = node.minA;
node.minA = val;
} else if (node.minB>val) {
node.minC = node.minB;
node.minB = val;
} else if (node.minC>val) {
node.minC = val;
// if limit exceeds
if (limit !== 0 && node.count === limit) {
//if the first biggest we earlier found
//is matching from the element that
//needs to be removed from the subarray
if(node.values[0]==node.maxA) {
//reset first biggest to second and second to third
node.maxA = node.maxB;
node.maxB = node.maxC;
node.maxC = Number.MIN_VALUE;
if (val <= node.maxB) {
node.maxC = val;
} else if (node.values[0]==node.maxB) {
node.maxB = node.maxC;
node.maxC = Number.MIN_VALUE;
if (val <= node.maxB) {
node.maxC = val;
} else if (node.values[0]==node.maxC) {
node.maxC = Number.MIN_VALUE;
if (val <= node.maxB) {
node.maxC = val;
} else if(node.values[0]==node.minA) {
//reset first smallest to second and second to third
node.minA = node.minB;
node.minB = node.minC;
node.minC = Number.MAX_VALUE;
if (val > node.minB) {
node.minC = val;
if (node.values[0]==node.minB) {
node.minB = node.minC;
node.minC = Number.MAX_VALUE;
if (val > node.minB) {
node.minC = val;
if (node.values[0]==node.minC) {
node.minC = Number.MAX_VALUE;
if (val > node.minB) {
node.minC = val;
// sum
node.sum -= node.values[0];
// delete first value
// start new counter
node.count = limit-1;
// add new values
node.sum += val;
node.avg = node.sum/node.count;
node.max = node.maxA;
node.min = node.minA;
// remember entered values for the next loop
nodes[key] = node;
// get the result depending on
// selected total_types
subres = [];
for (var t = 0; t < types.length; t++) {
// console.log(JSON.stringify(nodes, null, 4));
return result;
More sample usages:
- Running sum with group by column A:
- Running max