I have a Fitbit device and synchronise with the website. My account on the Fitbit website is linked to Runkeeper, which has Read and Write access to my Fitbit profile. Runkeeper is connected to both Fitbit and Fitocracy. Fitocracy has Read and Write access to my Runkeeper account. My Fitocracy account confirms the connection to Runkeeper.
I currently log all my activity in the Fitbit web app (or Android app, sometimes) and sync it with that system. However, the only thing that gets pushed is a daily summary to Runkeeper. The messages are like "Thomas Owens burned 2,710 calories and took 12,102 steps over 1 day" - it's just a daily summary that appears to be pushed from Fitbit. Nothing is making it to Fitocracy at all (no daily summaries, no logged activities - absolutely nothing).
Is there some way to use my Fitbit and the Fitbit activity logging and have it publish all the way to Fitocracy?
Also, is it possible to have Fitbit log more details in Runkeeper (more than just a daily summary)?