Given a Twitter account, say RealCarrotFacts, how can I order its tweets decreasing by number of retweets?
Are you willing to use the API to do it, or are you specifically looking for an application that will do it?– batpigandmeCommented Aug 12, 2013 at 14:36
None of these answers take into account tweets which are straight (not quoted) retweets from other accounts - and considering the number of retweets the original tweet got - which is what Twitter shows as the number of retweets when you look at a direct retweet. Now of course this may not always be what you want, but it's what I want for my use-case. Any tools that do this or do I have to write my own?– Robin GreenCommented Dec 21, 2015 at 8:12
3 Answers
If you are reticent to use the twitter API which includes Tweets as platform objects which have retweet_count as fields/attributes(e.g. "retweet_count":1585
)there are tools that allow you to look at the most retweeted posts for a given account.
My Top Tweet will show you the top ten most retweeted posts from your own account.
TweetReach Pro allows you to sort tweets in your 'Tracker' by most retweeted.
Retweet count for specific tweet is a thread in SO which discusses how to deal with this in R
Favstar should do it. Not sure how up-to-date they are with accounts that haven't authorised them. (I think accounts that do are scanned first, but presumably they try to include data for all users.)
Pop your handle into Social Bearing's Twitter Handle Search: Found Here. A dashboard should come up with all their tweets.
Click on the button which say's "Sort tweets by..." and Select "Retweets (high to low)"
You can similarly use this method to find any of the following
- Items by order of retweets
- Items by order of favorites
- Items by order of engagement
- Items by order of sentiment
This method works for any public twitter handle for up to 3200 tweets.