We have to migrate emails from [email protected] => [email protected]. Both oldDomain and newDomain are actually hosted via outlook.com (Live Domains) so it's essentially on the outlook.com infrastructure.

How can I migrate older emails for each user from the older account into the newer account?

Setting up POP3 access throws a popup saying:

looks like you're trying to download from another Outlook account, try linking ...

Outlook message screenshot

But we don't want to link, we want all emails from old => new account.

How can we do this?

  • just try linking...i've linked 3 accounts and its all very smooth...switching accounts is extremely easy
    – Ayush
    Commented May 24, 2013 at 5:37
  • 1
    @AyushShanker: Well, we want to obliterate the old domain. Plus MS no longer supports account switching on outlook.com Commented Sep 13, 2013 at 1:48

1 Answer 1


The closest you can get to achieving such a result is by following these steps:

  1. Go to https://account.live.com and sign in using the account [email protected].

  2. On the left menu, click on Overview > Account aliases. Once there, and assuming you see both [email protected] and [email protected], you can do make [email protected] the primary alias and even delete [email protected] if necessary.

Based on which steps you take, your emails will be accessible primarily through [email protected].

enter image description here

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