I never use Facebook Chat. It's always turned off. But I realized that it shows me as online (green dot) to my friends even if it's turned off.

Is there any way to be offline in Facebook? I don't want everybody to see when I login to Facebook. Why there's no option for that? What can I do? Is this is a bug or Facebook removed the ability to be offline completely?

This is not a duplicate of How can I log out of Facebook chat?. It says “Turn off chat” on that question's answer but I say “I turned off chat but it still show me as online” — these are different issues.

  • Do you have any other devices connected to your facebook account (e.g. mobile phone, tablet, third-party apps)? Commented Jun 4, 2013 at 15:49
  • No, nothing. This started this week and I tested it enough and it seems it's a bug. Where can we report bugs for facebook? Damn Facebook how can they make such a mistake and don't fix it for days!
    – Someone
    Commented Jun 4, 2013 at 15:52
  • 1
    Bugs & Known Issues - Facebook Chat you can click the please tell us more to report a bug I believe. Commented Jun 4, 2013 at 15:55

1 Answer 1


Based on comments I know that you don't have any other devices connected (which is a big first thing to check if others have this problem in the future). And you have tried the 'traditional' turn off chat:

This is not a duplicate of How can I log out of Facebook chat?. It says “Turn off chat” on that question's answer but I say “I turned off chat but it still show me as online” — these are different issues.

Based on other reports within Facebook it seems like many others are having this problem and that it is, indeed, a bug. However, a temporary workaround that can be successfully used is to manipulate the Turn on chat option for only some friends mode.

To turn chat on for just some friends

  1. Click gear in the chat sidebar
  2. Select Advanced Settings
  3. Click Turn on chat for only some friends
  4. List the friends you want to turn on chat for

If you select just one friend to appear online for you should successfully appear offline for others.

As I mentioned in comments, here is the link through which you can report a bug with facebook chat.

  • Has this bug been fixed now simply with turning chat off completely without leaving one friend being able to chat with you? Thanks.
    – Hans
    Commented Jan 11, 2016 at 9:15

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