For security reasons we'd like to see all documents in Google Drive which are shared with people outside the organization (Google Apps users). Is this possible? I know you can search for "to:[email]" but this requires knowing the exact email, we want "to:[non apps user]".

  • Good question. Too bad it hasn't been answered yet. I've love to know how to view a list of Google Drive items which are shared with the public or shared outside of the Google Apps organization? Can Google Drive users easily search for items which have a sharing setting like "Public on the Web" or "Anyone with the link". Commented Jan 15, 2016 at 1:43

1 Answer 1


Google Apps does not natively support reporting on who has access to what in Google Drive. The report you are looking for is possible through a Google Apps script.

As you probably know, from the Reports section of your Google Apps admin panel, you will be able to tell how many files are externally visible.

If you are on the Google Apps Unlimited or Google Apps for Education license, you will have access to a Drive audit log, from which you may be able to generate a report based on sharing events. This could be cumbersome.

If you have a $30 to $40 USD budget, you can either procure the Drive Audit Google Sheet Add-on or the Drive Privacy script from tech blogger Amit Agarwal and produce the report.

Drive Privacy script screenshot

A free option based on Stefan Lasiewski's suggestion below is to try whohasaccess.com. The app requires View and manage the files in your Google Drive permissions, among other simpler permissions.


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