I found a YouTube channel with news clips and needed to search a particular video which was uploaded in September 2011. I tried searching the video by tags but I cannot find it. However, YouTube doesn't give me the option to search by date - only sort the existing videos in that channel by date - which, IMHO, is kind of useless because I need to literally go through 1,000-2,000 videos.
How can I search a video that was uploaded on a channel at a certain date or between some dates?
In the end I successfully found the video I was looking for but I needed to write a Java application that used the YouTube API. Basically, https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/user or channel-id/uploads?max-results=50&start-index=X .
I played with X so that the results I was getting were between August and September 2011 and then I wrote a small application that would download the XML obtained by making a GET request to that URL, parse the title, date, URL and thumbnail picture of the movie and then create a new HTML page that displayed them all. After ~350-400 videos, I finally found the one I was looking for :)
Shame on you YouTube for not having a simple search by uploaded time feature!