(Updated 2016-05-09, more robust than current top answer)
If you just need to save a few playlists, you can just use my Javascript snippet below. This snippet can save every list as it is shown on the webpage, so it also works for the all songs/albums/artists library views. I've listed two other alternatives at the end of this answer.
Go to: https://play.google.com/music/listen#/all (or your playlist)
Open a developer console (F12 for Chrome). Paste
code below into the console.
All scraped songs are stored in the allsongs
and a text version of the list is copied to the clipboard. I recommend running
afterwards to get the full CSV information. Run copy(outText)
manually if the clipboard copying didn't work on the first try.
Code (latest version May 10, 2016, Rev 30):
var allsongs = []
var outText = "";
var songsToText = function(style, csv, likedonly){
if (style === undefined){
console.log("style is undefined.");
var csv = csv || false; // defaults to false
var likedonly = likedonly || false; // defaults to false
if (likedonly) {
console.log("Only selecting liked songs");
if (style == "all" && !csv){
console.log("Duration, ratings, and playcount will only be exported with the CSV flag");
outText = "";
if (csv) {
if (style == "all") {
//extra line
outText = "artist,album,title,duration,playcount,rating,rating_interpretation" + "\n";
} else if (style == "artist") {
} else if (style == "artistsong") {
} else if (style == "artistalbum") {
} else if (style == "artistalbumsong") {
} else {
console.log("style not defined");
var numEntries = 0;
var seen = {};
for (var i = 0; i < allsongs.length; i++) {
var curr = "";
var properTitle = allsongs[i].title.replace(/[\n\r!]/g, '').trim();
if (!likedonly || (likedonly && allsongs[i].rating >= 5)){
if (csv) {
if (style == "all") {
//extra line
curr += '"' + allsongs[i].artist.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"' + ",";
curr += '"' + allsongs[i].album.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"' + ",";
curr += '"' + properTitle.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"' + ",";
curr += '"' + allsongs[i].duration.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"' + ",";
curr += '"' + allsongs[i].playcount.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"' + ",";
curr += '"' + allsongs[i].rating.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"' + ",";
curr += '"' + allsongs[i].rating_interpretation.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"';
} else if (style == "artist") {
curr += '"' + allsongs[i].artist.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"';
} else if (style == "artistsong") {
curr += '"' + allsongs[i].artist.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"' + ",";
curr += '"' + properTitle.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"';
} else if (style == "artistalbum") {
curr += '"' + allsongs[i].artist.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"' + ",";
curr += '"' + allsongs[i].album.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"';
} else if (style == "artistalbumsong") {
curr += '"' + allsongs[i].artist.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"' + ",";
curr += '"' + allsongs[i].album.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"' + ",";
curr += '"' + properTitle.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"';
} else {
console.log("style not defined");
} else {
if (style == "all"){
curr = allsongs[i].artist + " - " + allsongs[i].album + " - " + properTitle + " [[playcount: " + allsongs[i].playcount + ", rating: " + allsongs[i].rating_interpretation + "]]" ;
} else if (style == "artist"){
curr = allsongs[i].artist;
} else if (style == "artistalbum"){
curr = allsongs[i].artist + " - " + allsongs[i].album;
} else if (style == "artistsong"){
curr = allsongs[i].artist + " - " + properTitle;
} else if (style == "artistalbumsong"){
curr = allsongs[i].artist + " - " + allsongs[i].album + " - " + properTitle;
} else {
console.log("style not defined");
if (!seen.hasOwnProperty(curr)){ // hashset
outText = outText + curr + "\n";
seen[curr] = true;
} else {
//console.log("Skipping (duplicate) " + curr);
try {
console.log("copy(outText) to clipboard succeeded.");
} catch (e) {
console.log("copy(outText) to clipboard failed, please type copy(outText) on the console or copy the log output above.");
console.log("Done! " + numEntries + " lines in output. Used " + numEntries + " unique entries out of " + allsongs.length + ".");
var scrapeSongs = function(){
var intervalms = 1; //in ms
var timeoutms = 3000; //in ms
var retries = timeoutms / intervalms;
var total = [];
var seen = {};
var topId = "";
document.querySelector("#mainContainer").scrollTop = 0; //scroll to top
var interval = setInterval(function(){
var songs = document.querySelectorAll("table.song-table tbody tr.song-row");
if (songs.length > 0) {
// detect order
var colNames = {
index: -1,
title: -1,
duration: -1,
artist: -1,
album: -1,
playcount: -1,
rating: -1
for (var i = 0; i < songs[0].childNodes.length; i++) {
colNames.index = songs[0].childNodes[i].getAttribute("data-col") == "index" ? i : colNames.index;
colNames.title = songs[0].childNodes[i].getAttribute("data-col") == "title" ? i : colNames.title;
colNames.duration = songs[0].childNodes[i].getAttribute("data-col") == "duration" ? i : colNames.duration;
colNames.artist = songs[0].childNodes[i].getAttribute("data-col") == "artist" ? i : colNames.artist;
colNames.album = songs[0].childNodes[i].getAttribute("data-col") == "album" ? i : colNames.album;
colNames.playcount = songs[0].childNodes[i].getAttribute("data-col") == "play-count" ? i : colNames.playcount;
colNames.rating = songs[0].childNodes[i].getAttribute("data-col") == "rating" ? i : colNames.rating;
// check if page has updated/scrolled
var currId = songs[0].getAttribute("data-id");
if (currId == topId){ // page has not yet changed
scrollDiv = document.querySelector("#mainContainer");
isAtBottom = scrollDiv.scrollTop == (scrollDiv.scrollHeight - scrollDiv.offsetHeight)
if (isAtBottom || retries <= 0) {
clearInterval(interval); //done
allsongs = total;
console.log("Got " + total.length + " songs and stored them in the allsongs variable.");
console.log("Calling songsToText with style all, csv flag true, likedonly false: songsToText(\"all\", false).");
songsToText("artistalbumsong", false, false);
} else {
retries = timeoutms / intervalms;
topId = currId;
// read page
for (var i = 0; i < songs.length; i++) {
var curr = {
dataid: songs[i].getAttribute("data-id"),
index: (colNames.index != -1 ? songs[i].childNodes[colNames.index].textContent : ""),
title: (colNames.title != -1 ? songs[i].childNodes[colNames.title].textContent : ""),
duration: (colNames.duration != -1 ? songs[i].childNodes[colNames.duration].textContent : ""),
artist: (colNames.artist != -1 ? songs[i].childNodes[colNames.artist].textContent : ""),
album: (colNames.album != -1 ? songs[i].childNodes[colNames.album].textContent : ""),
playcount: (colNames.playcount != -1 ? songs[i].childNodes[colNames.playcount].textContent : ""),
rating: (colNames.rating != -1 ? songs[i].childNodes[colNames.rating].getAttribute("data-rating") : ""),
rating_interpretation: "",
if(curr.rating == "undefined") {
curr.rating_interpretation = "never-rated"
if(curr.rating == "0") {
curr.rating_interpretation = "not-rated"
if(curr.rating == "1") {
curr.rating_interpretation = "thumbs-down"
if(curr.rating == "5") {
curr.rating_interpretation = "thumbs-up"
if (!seen.hasOwnProperty(curr.dataid)){ // hashset
seen[curr.dataid] = true;
songs[songs.length-1].scrollIntoView(true); // go to next page
}, intervalms);
// for the full CSV version you can now call songsToText("all", true);
Latest code on Github (Gist) here: https://gist.github.com/jmiserez/c9a9a0f41e867e5ebb75
If you would like the output in a text format, can call
the songsToText() function. You can select a style, choose
the format, and if only liked/thumbed up songs should be exported.
The resulting list will then be pasted into the clipboard.
Styles are all
, artist
, artistalbum
, artistsong
CSV will result in a CSV file and can be left out (defaults to false).
Likedonly can be left out (defaults to
false) or set to true, and will filter all songs with
ratings greater or equal to 5.
will export all songs in csv format.
will export only liked songs in csv format.
will export all songs as text.
You can then paste the data anywhere you like, for
example http://www.ivyishere.org/ if you want to add the
songs or albums to your Spotify account. To make Ivy
recognize full albums, use the "artistalbum" style. For
songs, use the "artistsong" style.
About the snippet:
This is based upon Michael Smith's original answer, but is a bit more robust. I have made the following improvements:
Works on playlists as well as the library. Any missing columns are ignored and the order is figured out, so it should work on almost any song list inside Google Music.
It stops either when it reaches the bottom (detects scroll position), or after the specified timeout. The timeout is there to prevent an endless loop in case the scroll detection code is off by a few pixels.
It is much faster (interval every 1ms), but waits if the data is not ready (up to the specified timeout, currently 3s).
Does deduplication during operation and on the output.
Gathers ratings: "undefined" is never rated, "0" is not rated (i.e. once rated but then removed), "1" is thumbs down, and "5" is thumbs up (liked).
In addition to the basic improvements, it also formats the text nicely and copies it to the clipboard. You can also get the data as CSV if you wish, by running the songsToText
function a second time.
If you need a Python API, check out the unofficial Google Music API project.
If you have tons of playlists and want to export all of them in one go, try the gmusic-scripts playlist exporter that can do that (Python, uses the unofficial API project).