Just now, for the first time, I am attempting to use the calendar system Google provides. I am having one difficulty, however. I am not quite sure I understand the email reminder feature works.
What I want to do is set all of my events for the 7:00 AM slot, and then have Google send me an email at the actual time it takes place. For instance, suppose I have research meeting with one of my professors at 12:30 PM. How I figured I would do this is, set the event on the calendar for 7:00 AM, and then have a email reminder sent at 12:00. To do this, I would edit the event, go to the reminders section, type 5 in the box, and select hours. What I expected was, that the five hours from the time the event is scheduled (7:00 AM, in my case), I would get an email. This didn't work.
How does the reminder feature actually work?