I have a spreadsheet that looks like this:
Column A | Column B
| An unimportant value
1 | Value 1, Value 2
2 |
3 | Value 3
4 | Value 3, Value 1
| Don't want this
1 |
2 | Value 5, Value 6, Value 2
| Don't want this
1 |
2 | Value 7
I'd like to extract the unique values from Column B that have a value in Column A and end up with
Value 1
Value 2
Value 3
Value 5
Value 6
Value 7
Example spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvB0HQO9X_ExdE1TZENMWDFlZkRhTThpcVlGMVNybkE
So far I have a formula that splits up that column and spits out the matrix of values:
=arrayformula(split(FILTER(B3:B, A3:A>0, LEN(B3:B)>0), ","))
I've run into two problems:
- I can't get the unique values from the matrix that is output -- UNIQUE only lists unique rows.
- For some reason the first row split only gets the first value. Notice that Value 2 is never mentioned in the output in the example spreadsheet.