So here is my scenario. I have multiple machines/devices which I use to log in to a particular web application using my Google account. From my laptop, iPhone, iPod, iPad, and ANY OTHER DEVICE I can log in to my app just fine. However, when I try to log in to the same web app from my home computer, it fails.
When I look at my authorized accounts here: it shows the same app listed twice which I find odd. I have been working with the app developer to trouble shoot this issue. What he sees is that when I attempt to log in from my home computer Google is sending back a different id from all the other devices I use.
Does anyone have any idea as to what the problem may be?
Update: I have already tried to revoke access to both the apps listed in my Google Account and then re-authenticate. However this does not resolve the issue.
Also, from what I understand, Google provides a unique OpenId identifier for each application that is requesting authentication. This would lead me to believe that Google thinks the app requesting authentication from my home computer is somehow different from the app doing the same request on the other devices.