Is there a way to see how how much space a label/folder is taking up on Gmail ?
I know I can see the overall account info at the bottom i.e., "x of 15gb" - but is there a way to break this down by folder or label?
Is there a way to see how how much space a label/folder is taking up on Gmail ?
I know I can see the overall account info at the bottom i.e., "x of 15gb" - but is there a way to break this down by folder or label?
This is currently not possible with GMail web interface. As a workaround I would suggest using any IMAP client.
I know this is a very old question, but by far the easiest solution for me - a MacOS user - was to use MacOS Mail - an application I traditionally don't use for gMail access. However as an earlier email suggests, by default it chooses to use the IMAP protocal to interact with gMail. And so via its standard "Account Info" menu option, you get a folder by folder breakdown including a) Number of Emails per label, and b) Size of Each label. Now for me - I use a fair number of hierarchically arranged labels, so it may not on occasion be 100% obvious what some of the labels are - because it doesn't show the higher level labels ... But it certainly shows the size of each folder - and the listing produced can be sorted by this size. But, it does take some time to create, as - obviously - it is traversing your complete email repository to do so.
You should be able to do a search, and download an archive with your past search. A lengthy process but will let you know at the end.
You could also go into settings/labels and view how many conversations are saved under each label.
Why not simply do the following: