In my Google Calendar I have visibility over several shared calendars. If multiple people who share calendars with me attend the same event, I can see the event quite a few times.

Example screenshot:

enter image description here

Question: Is there a way to change my settings such that I can see all shared calendars, but it will condense identical events into a single entry?

2 Answers 2


Google Calendar does not provide a way to merge the same event that appears in multiple calendars, and Google has been oblivious to requests to do so dating as far back as 2009 -

The only solution is to use a Chrome extension, gcal-multi-event-merge



Try out the Google Chrome Extension (new link) here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/event-merge-for-google-ca/idehaflielbgpaokehlhidbjlehlfcep


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