This is a major kludge, but will do the trick. First install the bookmarklet from this answer.
javascript:window.location=""+encodeURIComponent(window.document.body.innerHTML.match(/Message-ID: <(.*)>/)[1])+"/"+encodeURIComponent('&').filter(function(x){return x.slice(0,3) == "th="})[0].slice(3));
Then follow these instructions.
- Click the menu button to the right of the message's "reply-to" button and select Show original.
- After the message's raw source is shown on a new tab (it will resemble the below screenshot), click the bookmarklet.
- A new tab will now open with the regualrly formatted message. You can now bookmark or copy the message's URL.
the email in the Inbox list, it should open the message in a new window. You should be able to grab the URL of that window to get a direct link to that message.