I currently have the standard edition of Google Apps, and I'm eager to have my Google Apps accounts function as Google Accounts. It's my understanding that this is a phased deployment by Google, with people being contacted via email when they can upgrade to this service.

I'm wondering if there are any settings I should enable to increase the likelihood for my domain to be upgraded, or if it is purely based on random selection by Google.

Here are some of the settings available in Google Apps:

Now Services and Pre-release Features:

  • Automatically add new services when they become available
  • Enable pre-release features
  • Control Panel: Current version or Next generation.

News, feedback and promotions:

  • Receive occasional email notifications about new services or features.
  • I am willing to be contacted about this product and my experiences.
  • Unsubscribe from all marketing and non-transactional emails.

I have the first three options enabled, but the last three about contacting me disabled. I'm wondering, for those of you that did get upgraded, if you had these last 3 settings enabled or disabled. Or, if you know any other settings that should be enabled/disabled in order to increase my chances of being upgraded.

2 Answers 2


Here's the volunteer sign-up form: https://spreadsheets1.google.com/a/google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=dGdfTTA2eGhFT0c0SDVLXzMzMFNwUUE6MA#gid=0


Here is a blog-post from google explaining how you can sign up:


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