I am using syntaxhighlighter on a blogger blog. All is working fine, except when the code I want to show contains a <br/> tag, it gets displayed as a new line. This is despite it being HTML encoded (and the following visible in the view source):


Is this a bug in syntaxhighlighter? Or is there anything else I can do to fix it?

2 Answers 2


See Blogger Mode.

Blogger Mode Blogger has a nasty habit of replacing all new lines with <br/> tags which makes it impossible to post code snippets. To fix the situation version 1.5.1 introduces "Blogger Mode" which can be enabled before a call to HighlightAll() by a call to BloggerMode() like in the example below:
  • it was blogger mode that was the problem. I needed to turn it off
    – Mark Heath
    Commented Oct 6, 2010 at 11:02

I've worked it out. It was actually turning on syntaxhighlighter's "blogger mode" that caused the problem. Turning it off works just fine.

See line 908 in http://bitbucket.org/alexg/syntaxhighlighter/src/tip/scripts/shCore.js

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