I created an account on Twitter, activated it using my phone, confirmed the E-mail address, and then in the settings I removed the phone number (I don't want it to be there). The account looks fine, but when I try to follow anybody I get the message:
You are unable to follow more people at this time.
It contains the link describing two possible reasons: 1) that I hit the limit (which I didn't, I'm following no one yet), and 2) that my account might be locked (it does not look locked, though, maybe, I don't know where to look).
I suppose, it might be caused by removing the phone number, but when I tried to re-add it, the activation code did not come (despite several more requests and 1 hour waiting), so I cannot check the hypothesis (and even if it's true, I don't want to keep my phone in the account).
I tried writing at Twitter support, but no reply came (and none was promised). Maybe someone could clarify the situation here?
UPD: I was finally able to re-add my phone number and activate it (this time the code arrived; don't know why it didn't earlier), but the problem remains nonetheless. Any time I click "Follow", the same message appears.