(This question was posted here by Tasos, but then deleted). I quote a part of it:
At the moment, I have a cell which used to create a hyperlink on the next column. This is what I have done at the moment.
The first cell (in B4 for example) has this format 123456.789
and the hyperlink:
=IF(B4="","",HYPERLINK(CONCATENATE("http://www.example.com/?tag1=",LEFT(B4, FIND(".", B4)-1) ,"&tag2=",RIGHT(B4, Len(B4)-FIND(".", B4)) ), B4))
The result of the link will be: http://www.example.com/?tag1=123456&tag2=789
However, I have to update the column with the hyperlink manually, every time. How can I make it so that every time an entry is added to column B, a hyperlink is created?