There is a shortcut N that will jump to another post in the same feed ("subscription") but will not jump to another feed when the current post is the last one.

Then there is a spacebar shortcut that will scroll down one page and switch to a next feed if necessary but if a post is very very long, I have to hit the spacebar many times in order to reach the next post.

Is there something like N that will also take me to the next feed if necessary?

  • If you just read your feeds from 'All items' you wouldn't have this problem ;-)
    – Ivo Flipse
    Commented Nov 10, 2010 at 10:28
  • I tried the "All items" view for some period of time but didn't like it - it's helpful for me if I can peak in which subscription I currently am. Commented Nov 11, 2010 at 9:02

3 Answers 3


Shift-J/K will navigate feeds/folder, then Shift-O will start reading that feed/folder.

  • Not user-friendly at all but it does the job. Commented Nov 11, 2010 at 9:04

What you are looking for is the j/k for next/previous posts.

For more info on shortcuts in Google Reader press ? to check them all.

  • j / k / n doesn't work for jumping between subscriptions (it only moves to next / previous post in the current subscription) Commented Nov 11, 2010 at 9:03

FWIW, I use g-t to to bring up the tag window, then the first letter of the tag (I read tags at different periodicities).

Also, g-u brings up the list of subscriptions, where you can type in the feed name. But I always find this a bit overwhelming. In a pinch ? brings up all of the shortcuts.

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