Is there a way to show reminders which have passed? I use them for due dates but can't see them in Reminders section after the reminder has expired. A query string I could put in search, perhaps?

  • update: I've switched back to Google Tasks which is more featureful in terms of tasks
    – Jay Wick
    Jan 7, 2017 at 3:39

2 Answers 2

  1. In the web UI at keep.google.com, click within the search box at the top.
  2. Then select the "Reminders" button that appears.
  3. At this point I see my expired Reminders, but I don't have any current Reminders. You may need to search for or scroll down to find your expired reminders in Keep.
  • This isn't true as of 2021.
    – tog22
    Nov 15, 2021 at 19:21

Reminders are also visible in Google Calendar (assuming you've switched away from Google Tasks).

The easiest way to see them is probably with the "Agenda" view.

(Unfortunately, Reminders don't seem to be searchable in the calendar at the moment.)

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