Linked Questions

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Evaluating each cell in a row based on the cell adjacent to it [duplicate]

I'm trying to set up a spreadsheet the will color the background of a cell based on the text within another cell. This would have to be set up in a row so that if (for example) B2: contained "done", ...
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Google Sheet conditional formatting, highlight just 1 cell in a range based on another cell [duplicate]

How can I highlight a cell in a range, if its value is equal to a different cell? Example: Random numbers in range A5:A20. I want to highlight a cell in this range if it is equal to B4. [ A ][...
Shaun's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Can I use Google Sheets to Automatically Update Font Styling, Size, Color, etc.? [duplicate]

I have been creating a contact list in Google Sheets to continually add and update names, emails, organizations, etc. for work. I am often copying and pasting this information from other sources as to ...
Blake Landry's user avatar
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How to apply conditional formatting only if cell has X value? [google sheet] [duplicate]

I have a sheet with statistical data to which I had applied color scale conditional formatting. Some rows I set to have green for highest and red for lowest number in row and other rows the other way ...
Floris Assies's user avatar
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Color entire row based on the status in Column L [duplicate]

How can I make my spreadsheet look like in the picture below? Starting row 5, I want to color the entire row based on the status in Column L.
user54830's user avatar
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Can I use conditional formatting in google sheets to force cells to merge given a specific value [duplicate]

I am working on formatting a cash log for work (work in a restaurant and right now we record this by hand) the problem because each days entry isn’t uniform as the number of people working changes so ...
Rcyr1010's user avatar
12 votes
5 answers

Conditionally formatting a cell based on another cell's value in Google Spreadsheet

I did some searching on this and came across this post. However, this solution uses an onEdit() trigger. I would like to see a solution that uses a formula approach, so in the OP's example from that ...
void.pointer's user avatar
7 votes
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Is there a way to conditionally format border styles in Google Sheets? [duplicate]

The title says it all. I have some conditional formatting rules, it seems I'm limited to some basic formatting options; Is there any workaround to apply further formatting options (such as border)?
Welz's user avatar
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How to conditional format in Google sheets based on cell directly above it?

Tried to setup a conditional format. Overall idea, I want a number to go down, and be marked red if it is going up. I tried this custom formula =if(F2>F3, true) trying to say, if the cell value ...
Joshua Dance's user avatar
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Format a cell in bold if its row has other nonempty cells

I'm looking to format a Google Spreadsheet with something beyond the "basic" Conditional Formatting they offer. From what I understand, this must be done using a Google Apps Script. I've found one ...
Chris's user avatar
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How can I get a cell to change its value based on another cell's color? [closed]

I have three colors in column F: green, grey and red. What I want is for column G to display a number (1, 2, 3) depending on the color value of F. Is there a way to do this?
Mike's user avatar
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How can I set conditional formatting on particular cells that depend on another cell's value in Google Spreadsheets?

I would like to colour the background of a row in Google Spreadsheets: For example: If cell Dx = title 'To do' or 'title 'Done' then cells Fx to Nx are filled colour black. If cell Dx = title '...
Tom's user avatar
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Change cell color of a range of cells based on data in another column

Say I have a list of dates in column A, many of them are multiple entries. The dates are sorted and currently in time-stamp form (text). I want to alternate the cell color of the data in the columns ...
Steve's user avatar
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How to highlight entire row (conditional formatting) using COUNTIFS

For the range C2:Z100 we apply the following formula to find duplicate students' enrollments using conditional formatting: =COUNTIFS($C:$C,C2 , $D:$D,D2)>1 (where column C is the last name and D ...
marikamitsos's user avatar
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Is it possible to add conditional formatting when number changes?

This is probably not possible but... I'm looking to update cells in a Google spreadsheet using the conditional formatting tool.(Changes to SERPs rankings) So when the number in a cell is changed, ...
bbacarat's user avatar
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