Questions tagged [amazon-cloud-drive]

A web storage application from Amazon.

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7 votes
2 answers

How to find large files and specific file types?

I've tried different options in the search bar and searched Google far and wide but can't find help. My unlimited Amazon Drive account has been discontinued so I'm trying to prune it of all the large ...
Peter Beens's user avatar
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How to find video file size or (time) length - on Amazon Drive?

A client of mine shared with me a video file on Amazon Drive, viz.: Is there a way to find the file size (in Gigabytes) or file length (in minutes)?
boardrider's user avatar
3 votes
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Amazon Cloud Drive for photo backup - how does it handle edited photos?

I backed up all my photographs to my cloud drive and then found that there's no way to synchronise photos so they continue to stay updated. (Also read this thread). I know that you can drag a file ...
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Will items in Amazon Drive's "Deleted" folder ever be automatically removed?

Amazon Drive provides "unlimited" storage for files and folders. When files and folders are deleted, they are moved to the special "Deleted" folder where they can be either restored or permanently ...
Pacerier's user avatar
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Does Amazon Cloud Drive provide an RSS feed?

My digital picture frame accepts URLs to RSS feeds. Does Amazon Cloud Drive provide an RSS feed? In other words, would I be able to point my frame at some Amazon-provided URL and the frame would be ...
Jeromy French's user avatar