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Questions tagged [autohotkey]

For questions which include the usage of AutoHotKey as a last resort hand-in-hand with Web Applications in the scope of this site. For questions not directly involving WebApps use

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2 votes
2 answers

How can I quickly change the color of text in a cell in Google Sheets?

How can I quickly, with either a single or double click, assign a color to the text in a cell in Google Sheets? In order to quickly determine the status of certain pieces of data in a spreadsheet I ...
bynary's user avatar
  • 129
10 votes
3 answers

Force Google Docs/Sheets to ALWAYS paste values only (merge formatting)

I do a LOT of copying from external sources and pasting into Google Docs/Sheets. Is this at all possible? I know the keyboard shortcut but can't seem to get used to it. Would save me so much time!
actuallyMarc's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Temporarily disable autosave in Google Sheets

I use autohotkey scripts for a lot of things in Google Sheets. It's basically scripted, automated keyboard input. A script may look something like this: Loop, 4 { Loop, 7 { Loop, %...
AzulShiva's user avatar
  • 151