Questions tagged [commcare]

CommCare is a platform for building and deploying mobile applications specifically designed for low-resource settings.

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1 answer

What are the benefits of case sharing via locations vs. case sharing groups

I am considering different case sharing configurations for my app, and am wondering what the main differences are between case sharing via locations/organizations versus case sharing groups. Is the ...
Ali F's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to reference name and surname of a user in CommCare

I would like to know how to reference in a hidden value the first and last name of a mobile worker in CommCare. I researched and I was able only to reference the username and location name, but can'...
Juan Romero Gonzalez's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

In CommCare, can you specify the order that choices from a Multiple Choice Lookup Table will appear in? (example: alphabetically by display value)

I'm interested in two use cases: Re-ordering choices by a field uploaded in a look-up table Re-ordering choices by a case property in a list of cases specified by a Query Expression [when the "Custom ...
Jessica Long's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

When does an application get an "auto generated" deploy

I've noticed that an application has a release with a comment "Auto-generated by a phone update". What does that mean and when does it happen?
Ben Rudolph's user avatar
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Prevent slow calculate conditions from firing when the form is opened

I have a lot of calculate conditions in my form in hidden values, but they are only necessary to evaluate if the question "food_not_in_list" = 'yes'. These calculates are slowing down my form because ...
Nick Nestle's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Regex validation - how to check for exactly 4 digits in Commcare integer field?

I'm using regex as validation, to check that year (integer field) entered is exactly 4 digits. My expression regex(., '[0-9]{4}') isn't working in Commcare, but when I checked at
Caeri Dunnell's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Are there any crucial risks to allowing mobile users sign in with the same username and password to collect data in CommCare?

I want to allow 8 different mobile workers to access the same CommCare application on their phones and submit data to the same forms. We are not using user as a case. Is there any reason we shouldn't ...
Claire C's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I change my CommCare worker monitoring reports to another language?

My application is in Portuguese and English, with por as the default language. However, my worker monitoring reports reference the English name of all Apps, Modules, and Forms. How do I change this to ...
Ali F's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Can I list the parent_name of a child case in the child case module case list?

I have a module of child cases (type = alert) of a parent case and I would like to NOT have the user select the parent case first, but simply see a list of all the alert subcases. However, I do want ...
Merv's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Are case types case sensitive in CommCare?

If one of my case types is named case and one of my case types is named Case will they be treated as different case types in CommCare?
Claire C's user avatar
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3 votes
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Does the date filter for a CommCare case export filter forms by last modified date or opened date?

While doing a case export in CommCare, is the date filter used to filter cases modified between that date range, or are cases filtered by those that were opened in that date range?
Kishan's user avatar
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Auto Sync Frequency in CommCare

Wondering how the auto sync frequency setting in CommCare works in a bit more detail. For example: Does daily mean once every 24 hours, or 24 hours after the list full sync? Will CommCare trigger a ...
Kriti Mehrotra's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to get user's location ID for use in form display logic in CommCare

How can I get the user's location id for use in form display logic? I know you can get the user id from the session, but are all the user properties there?
Claire C's user avatar
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Please specify exactly which cases will sync down to a mobile device when using CommCare

I have a user whose Case List Report of all open cases on CommCareHQ is reporting fewer cases than that user is seeing synced down- by a significant amount. That user is in a few case sharing groups, ...
Matthew Levasseur's user avatar
3 votes
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Can I control the page where a mobile user lands when logged into CommCareHQ?

I currently have a mobile worker who has access to Web Apps, but also to reports (based on the web "Role" of the user), and by default, when I log into my project space as this mobile worker, the ...
Kriti Mehrotra's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to use text formatting within a hidden value in CommCare?

I'm trying to set up text that is being generated in a hidden value and is going to be displayed via a label, can I set up that hidden value to include text formatting so when the hidden value is ...
Claire C's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Saving location name from multiple choice lookup table as a case property

I have set up an organization structure and am using a multiple choice lookup table within a form to reference the organization structure. Mobile users are asked to select the location in which they ...
Lilianna Bagnoli's user avatar
3 votes
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What does an irrelevant question evaluate to in CommCare?

Let's say I have a form with a calculation condition that references another question in the form. For example: if (#form/question_1, 'yes', 'no') What does this evaluate to in the case that ...
Cory's user avatar
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2 answers

Can mobile workers view case data from multiple locations?

In my application cases are configured to be owned by locations-- in this case, villages. Mobile workers can work in multiple villages and need to be able to see case details from each of the villages ...
Lilianna Bagnoli's user avatar
3 votes
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How are the outputs of multi-select questions saved in CommCare

If I have a multi-select question with 3 possible choice values, and more than one of those is selected by the user, how is that saved to the case? Is it a string that concats the id of each choice? ...
Ali F's user avatar
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How can I format a date property in case list or case detail

I would like to output a date in a custom format in the case list. I have a date property, i.e. date-opened And it currently displays as, 2017-03-01 (format/ YYYY-MM-DD) I would like it to output, ...
Amy Cooper's user avatar
3 votes
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Missing forms from Submit History report in CommCare when the filter is set to "today"

I'm trying to see forms that I am currently submitting in CommCare via live preview and mobile device. I have the date filter on the Submit History report to today. Is there a reason my forms might ...
Claire C's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Case Properties saved in one app and referenced in another via case sharing

I would like to know to display a case property in a case shared application, when it was saved into a different application on the same project space. I referenced it with #case/caseproperty, but it ...
Juan Romero Gonzalez's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to use a repeat group to iterate over a space-separated list?

I know that repeat groups can operate in a few different ways: With a fixed repeat count (the repeat count is an integer loaded in from a hidden variable) With an unspecified repeat group (the repeat ...
Jessica Long's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Saving child form information to parent case

I have a form that is in a module for a child case (individual), but I want to be able to save a calculation that happens in the form to the parent case (household). Is there a way to save this ...
Merv's user avatar
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1 answer

Expanding checkbox questions in CommCare case data export

I'm trying to create a case export in CommCare HQ of data collected via a CommCare mobile application. I've noticed that when I am doing a form export there is the option to expand the check box ...
Claire C's user avatar
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Can a supervisor see the last time a worker synced their device?

I am working on a supervisor app that uses user configurable reports (UCRs) to show aggregate data of the workers the supervisor oversees. Supervisors see worker performance data as well as ...
Lilianna Bagnoli's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I change the date format in App Preview and WebApps?

When I have a date question in a form, the result in App Preview is shown in the format "mm/dd/yyyy". I was hoping to have the date displayed in the format "dd/mm/yyyy" or "yyyy/mm/dd" to be less ...
Farid's user avatar
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Error "The selected function was provided the incorrect number of arguments"

I have the following expression and keep getting an error message that says: "The selected function was provided the incorrect number of arguments" concat(if(selected( danger_signs, '...
sclazenby's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Error message in CommCare when trying to record audio

I am seeing the following error message: No activity found to handle: audio capture when attempting to record a sound: Does anyone know what is causing this?
sclazenby's user avatar
2 votes
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Lookup Tables in Case List Calculation

Is it possible to reference a lookup table in a case list calculation in CommCare? I think I know the syntax that I would need to use, but CommCare doesn't have access to the right instance at that ...
Jennifer's user avatar
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Why does 'Extra' appear if you select ''Expand Multiple Choice Questions''?

I noticed that when I select "expand multiple choice questions" with a form export, an additional column 'data | extra' appears. Is this expected behavior?
Sarah Sagan's user avatar
2 votes
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Visibility of Web Apps

Say your domain has multiple apps. When you log into CommCare HQ as a mobile user, and navigate to the Web Apps section, what determines the subset of apps that are visible as web apps to the ...
Kriti Mehrotra's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

"Login As" feature visibility

What determines whether the "Login As" option shows up for a (mobile) user when they log into CommCare HQ and are on the Web Apps page?
Kriti Mehrotra's user avatar
2 votes
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Does editing a form update the case property?

Per the CommCare help site (, it seems like if I edit a form in the edit form submission function and edit a question that ...
Merv's user avatar
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When using CommCare Supply, will the WebApps functionality work with supply-point cases

When using CommCare Supply, will the WebApps functionality be able to show supply point cases and other CommCare Supply functionality, or are there specific limitations to using WebApps when building ...
Claire C's user avatar
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2 answers

Completed forms stay on phone even if CommCare sense is enabled

Why do some completed forms remain on the phone, even if CommCare Sense is activated? (screenshot below for reference) For additional information, it doesn't appear that this is controlled by the '...
Sarah Sagan's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Can the CommCare Export Tool export mobile worker or location information

I am using the CommCare export tool ( to export my case data. We need to also know the supervisor of the user that is ...
Nick Nestle's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How should I use jr:itext logic to pull question answers and display them on a label in CommCare?

I am trying to set up jr:itext logic to pull question answers from my app and display them on a label. I've followed the instructions in the CommCare documentation and I've ensured the correct ...
Claire C's user avatar
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1 answer

Difference between Default Value and Calculate Condition

When making a hidden value question and filling in the Default Value with a question, CommCare gives me a warning. What is the difference here between Default Value and Calculate condition? And why ...
Ben Rudolph's user avatar
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How to set up a CommCare excel import to update a case property to null

I have a case property in a CommCare app that has a value for a few hundred cases. This case property should never have been set for these cases. I have corrected the app structure to prevent the ...
Jeremy W.'s user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Estimating CommCare Mobile Data Consumption

I am trying to estimate how much mobile data I should provide to users for my CommCare application project. What are the estimates for how much data is required to submit a form, sync with the server, ...
Lilianna Bagnoli's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

instance syntax to search for all child cases of a parent in CommCare

I have an app that uses a 'household' parent case and 'member' child case. Within the 'member' visit form I want to be able to search for the # of other child cases indexed to that parent who meet a ...
Ali F's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible to configure the date widget in CommCare to use DD/MM/YYYY instead of MM/DD/YYYY?

If your form has a date question (where the user scrolls through a calendar type widget to select a date), this shows up as MM/DD/YYYY. Is there any way to make that use the DD/MM/YYYY format?
Ethan Soergel's user avatar
1 vote
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How to save label text as a case property to be referenced later in a CommCare application

I'm making a CommCare application that creates action item child cases when certain questions are answered incorrectly by an end user. The end user needs to be able to reference these action item ...
Claire C's user avatar
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2 answers

Checking unique case property (saving an ID) against already-saved case properties of other cases

In a workflow where fields entered in a registration form are concatenated to create a unique ID (IE municipal and district IDs, date of birth, first two digits of first and last name, etc) and saved, ...
Merv's user avatar
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How do I find the closest match in a CommCare Lookup Table?

Is it possible to lookup the closest value (equal or less than) to a particular question using a Lookup Table in CommCare? Example: My table has values 5, 6.35, 42.8, 136. I want an input of 6 to ...
Jennifer's user avatar
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2 answers

How should I troubleshoot a "round error" in CommCare?

I have set up a CommCare form in the form builder, when I try to deploy I receive the following message at the top of the screen: "Validation Error: The round function was provided the incorrect ...
Claire C's user avatar
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2 answers

Why are there mobile workers missing from the CommCare application status report?

Is there a reason why I can see mobile workers in the worker activity report that I cannot see in the application status report on CommCare? For instance I can see 254 users in a current worker ...
Claire C's user avatar
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2 answers

How to reference a child case in a display condition

I'm looking to use a display condition for an indicator where the goal is: If a child case of the parent that I'm editing is open, the indicator should count otherwise it should not count. In other ...
Juan Romero Gonzalez's user avatar