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Questions tagged [facebook-friend-request]

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Facebook what do 54y mean on all friend request

I'm a creator on facebook. My question is why on all of my friend request they have 54y in the request? When the request could be from one or two days ago it says 54y.
Shantell Smith's user avatar
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"Can't send request" Facebook Problem

When I want to add people outside my country, 9/10 times I get the Pop-Up saying: "Can't send request It looks like you may not know this person. Send requests to people who you know personally ...
gustavo10's user avatar
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Does the person that declined you on Facebook get a notification on Facebook after one year that the person that they declined can now add them again?

So someone I know I sent a friend request like a year ago and she declined it and it has been a year since that has happened and I still can’t send her a friend request but on one of my other accounts ...
Parker Johnson's user avatar
4 votes
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Do people who have rejected your friend requests still show up in "People you may know" on Facebook?

I don't remember whether I sent a particular person on Facebook a friend request. The option to add them as a friend is open which either means I did and they rejected it, or I didn't. I don't want to ...
user207721's user avatar
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Why is Facebook telling me "Only add people who you know"?

This is the message I am receiving: Only add people who you know Please only send friend requests to people who you know personally. If you think you're seeing this by mistake, please let us ...
gateprep's user avatar
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Automated Facebook friend requests

My father has a Facebook account he barely uses, which I can't even find on google or Facebook. He changed his privacy settings a few days ago. Before everyone could send a friend request, now only ...
Féileacán's user avatar
2 votes
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"<someone> is waiting for you to respond to his friend request"

I'm rather new to Facebook and recently I've received a notification that I can't fully understand: <someone> is waiting for you to respond to his friend request What does it mean? I have ...
user avatar
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After rejecting a friend request, cannot get it back

Someone sent me a friend request. I didn't know who they were because their Facebook profile was obfuscated, so I rejected it. Later, they told me they were the one who sent it. So, I asked her to ...
Alice Young's user avatar
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Why am I suddenly receiving so many Facebook friend requests?

Although I have a Facebook account, I have not told any of my friends or family members yet. I have not made any friend requests yet. My privacy setting for Who can contact me? Who can send you ...
Dave's user avatar
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No Add Friend button

I have a similar problem as many. One of my real friends (a live human being), does not have an Add Friend button on her page. I've never been Facebook friends with her and also never blocked her. Is ...
Jake Kindred's user avatar
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Friend request not in friends requests list

Last Thursday I talked with a lot of people, and 10 of them sent me a Facebook friend request (as my name is difficult to spell, they all actually made me type my name and press the "Add" ...
nic's user avatar
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Can't make Facebook Friend request on new account [closed]

I deleted my old Facebook account and now have a new one. There are some people who I was friends with on my old account, but it's not giving me the option to request them with the new account. What ...
user158095's user avatar
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Receiving abnormal amount of Facebook friend requests from real people with mutual friends

During the past week, I have been receiving numerous friend requests per day. They're all real people with whom I share mutual friends, however, this has never happened. It's odd because I'm getting ...
Haley's user avatar
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How do I view the friend requests I've sent, by date?

Going to this page allows you to view the Facebook friend requests you've sent, but this doesn't show when each friend request was sent. Is there any way to find out when a friendship request was ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
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Requesting friends on Facebook

Why can't I send a friend request on Facebook? When I can see his profile, and I can send a message, why is the (faded) button there for sending a friend request, but doesn't let me send one?
Jannett burns's user avatar
1 vote
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No 'Add friend' facility on Facebook

Found old friend on Facebook. Sent message. Message accepted. Facebook says 'you and so & so are not connected on Facebook'. How do we send a friend request?
user124663's user avatar
2 votes
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Looking up removed friend requests

A friend sent a request to me, then they removed that request before I even looked into who they are. Is there a way to look them up if you don't remember their name?
jay guy's user avatar
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How do I disable the add friend button for mutual friends on Facebook?

I have seen on Facebook that it is explicitly possible for a user who shares mutual friends with another user to somehow disable the ability to become added as a friend. This is regardless of recent ...
TestinginProd's user avatar
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Accepting a friend request, directly into a specific audience group

Is there an option to accept a friend request for a person, directly into a specific audience group? For instance, can I accept a friend directly into the Acquaintance group on Facebook, to ...
Please Help's user avatar
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Email notification for new friend requests on Facebook

A few years ago, if I remember correctly, Facebook used to send emails regarding new friend requests. But now, in the notification settings, I can not find the setting to enable such email ...
shivams's user avatar
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Who initiated the "friend" request?

Out of my current Facebook friends, how do I check which people added me as a friend and those who friend requested me first? Is that possible to find out? And if yes, how?
Sam Houston's user avatar
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Why do I get so many unsolicited Facebook friend requests?

At least once a day, I get a Facebook friend request from someone I don't know, most likely a fake account, from people all over the world. Does it happen to everyone, or am I somehow targeted? Is ...
nute's user avatar
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How do I cancel all the friend requests I have made on Facebook?

If I send many friend requests to someone and afterwards I need to cancel all of them, because if I don't do that I'll be blocked, how do I do this?
hamid Mehdizade's user avatar
2 votes
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What is the limit of Facebook friend requests you can receive?

I'm asking this because I receive a lot of friend requests everyday, but I know that there's a moment in which if someone clicks on your "add as friend" a pop-up will appear saying something like "...
JuanPa's user avatar
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