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Questions tagged [facebook-timeline]

Combines a Facebook user's wall and profile updates into a single default view shown in reverse chronological order

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Husband says he hasn't watched videos that are on his watch history [closed]

My husbands watch history has several videos on it that he says he hasn't watched. Sometimes it will be even during times I know he wasn't on his phone. How does that happen and how do I know what ...
Tiffany Michael's user avatar
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Why does my YouTube link on my Facebook profile redirecting to other account?

I added my YouTube handle to my Facebook profile. But whenever I click that link/handle, it redirects to someone else's YouTube account. How am I gonna fix this? P.S. I have tried adding "+" ...
user316658's user avatar
0 votes
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Changing profile picture privately

How do I change my profile picture back to an already existing one without it appearing on other's timeline or it being in everyone's newsfeed?
bjroxx2's user avatar
1 vote
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Why can't I see "edit privacy" option for my post on fb friends timeline?

I posted Happy birthday on friend timeline. 1- why that post is not visible on my time? 2- i couldn't see edit privacy option when i visited my post on friend timeline?
Laraib's user avatar
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How could I make a Facebook post more visible?

I need to share, on my personal profile, the fact that I am not reachable via telephone and since it is important for my peers I would like to make the post more visible. There used to be this option ...
a0142204's user avatar
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Where does Facebook store friendship information?

If I am friends with someone, I can see when we became friends on the activity timeline, if I unfriend him, I can no longer see when we first became friends, if I add him again, I can see both the ...
zxzx28's user avatar
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How to remove “Upcoming Events” block from the top of my facebook shop page

It shows a block labeled "Upcoming Events" on the top of my facebook page's home. Does anyone know how to remove it and show a products slider on the top? Thanks!
Jaadu's user avatar
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Why is my cover photo being duplicated without retaining its likes and comments on Facebook mobile?

I tried to change my cover photo using Facebook mobile app and wanted to revert one of my old cover photos that I used years ago. I went through the cover photos that subsequently appear above the ...
joe877's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

My Facebook was disabled by mistake, how long does it take to get it back? [closed]

On November 20th I was first told you send a photo of me for security and it was being reviewed. Now on December 24th my account was disabled when I had to wait a whole month to wait so I sent a ...
Emily1002's user avatar
3 votes
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Is it possible to delete all Facebook app posts without removing the app?

I have a lot apps and websites I'm connected to with my Facebook account. In the past, it was the common thing that an app would post on your wall everything (it's set to private, but still exist). ...
arieljannai's user avatar
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When I comment on a post it does not display on my timeline or newsfeed

I have privacy settings set to Only Me (until I figure this out) for 'Who can see my future posts' and 'Who can see posts I'm tagged in', and when I post on an article it does not appear anywhere on ...
user58446's user avatar
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My 3D model is always upside down when uploading to Facebook, no matter how I rotate it

I am trying to post a 3D model. I simplified the mesh so that it fits through the tiny 3MB limit and it's rendered OK. Except... It's UPSIDE DOWN! I tried to upload model after rotating it in ...
Tomáš Zato's user avatar
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Is there a way to find all comments by yourself on a specific users posts on Facebook?

So I have a situation where I am trying to find a particular image another user posted on facebook and I know I commented on this post/image a few times. It was quite awhile ago and hence going ...
Brett's user avatar
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On my timeline, how can I immediately jump to an old post from several years ago and edit it?

I would like to edit the privacy of several (perhaps all) of my timeline posts from before ~September 2013. When viewing my own timeline, is there a way to somehow directly jump to those posts? Or do ...
cag8f's user avatar
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How do I ensure everything on my Facebook timeline is hidden to strangers?

When a stranger (i.e. person who is not my Facebook friend) opens my personal Facebook URL (i.e., several posts on my timeline are displayed. How can I ensure ...
cag8f's user avatar
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Is there any way to set permanently the News Feed in the option "More Recent"?

There are 2 options, "More Recent" and "Featured Histories" (I don't know exactly the name in English since my Facebook is in Spanish). I set the option in "More Recent" but everytime I leave Facebook ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Will 'going to' on public event in closed group show in news feed?

I'm in a 'closed group' which has a 'public event'. I want to press 'going' on this event. I don't want it to appear on news feed/timeline (or whatever it's called) of my Facebook friends. Will my ...
Hyrule's user avatar
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Changing the preview image when sharing a news article on Facebook?

I want to share an external link (news article) to my company's Facebook page, but the thumbnail is just a generic image showing the name of the news site, so it looks like I'm advertising the ...
Helmut G.'s user avatar
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3 answers

What does "hide comment" mean? What happens if I choose that?

My friend tagged me in a random post and I wanted to remove the tag but unfortunately could not. I selected "hide comment" option but what exactly does that mean? Does that mean that the comment is ...
CapturedTree's user avatar
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Is there a way to alter Facebook video player behavior?

I have two main issues with the Facebook video player: When I scroll down from it, it floats to the side and continues playing. When I click on it, instead of pausing the video (like virtually every ...
sudhanva's user avatar
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Is it possible to backdate a Facebook post WITHOUT the little clock icon indicating that you've done so?

I have one set of people saying that a page did not pre-date a Facebook post, and another set of people saying that they did. As best as I understand it, it is not possible to pre-date a Facebook ...
aliteralmind's user avatar
2 votes
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Facebook Timeline doesn't show up in profile section

I am new to Facebook and found out about my "Timeline" but I don't have one I don't see it in my Profile and anywhere else. Is it possible that I deleted my Timeline or did I do something wrong? How ...
user avatar
4 votes
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Removing life event from Facebook wall but keeping information under profile picture

Is there a way to remove the "Started School at XYZ University" life event from your wall but still keep the "Studies at XYZ University" entry under your profile picture?
InquisitiveInquirer's user avatar
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Hide public posts on Facebook profile

I have certain posts that I want to be public, i.e. visible to everyone who has a link to it, shareable and re-postable, but I still would like to hide the post from the list of posts visible on my ...
Joachim Breitner's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

How to update Facebook Profile without announcing it to everyone?

How do I update my profile Basic Info, such as location, education, job, etc. without triggering a notification on Friends' Notification (upper left) or their Wall/Timeline/Recent Friend Activity page....
user58446's user avatar
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What is the Facebook mail address of an account that only have an ID?

How to precisely find the Facebook email address of the person that only have a Facebook number ID, that is a profile, for instance
user123456's user avatar
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Stop specific people (or everyone) from getting notifications when I post a comment on or like a page's post on facebook

Is this possible? If I'm posting a comment reply to someone on a news story, I don't necessarily want it to be going out to my friends; they're not interested in my ramblings or opinions on current ...
Some_Guy's user avatar
3 votes
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Change Facebook "Watching" activity to "Watched"

When adding a status update with the Watching activity, the status posts to my timeline as "Hashim is watching Kong". Is there a way to change this to something like: Hashim watched Kong ...or......
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
3 votes
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Why don't shares of photos from my page to a group show when the group post is re-shared?

When I post to a photo (normally via Cinch Share) to a Facebook page I manage, I normally manually share that to another Facebook group I admin. It shows up fine in the group. However, if someone ...
BIBD's user avatar
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How do I stop Facebook from deleting a link in my post?

When you post something on your timeline (personal profile) that contains a link, Facebook will create a preview of the link (using the Open Graph information provided by the linked site) and put it ...
MoritzLost's user avatar
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How can I stop likes of other people from appearing on my feed?

I think the subject says it all. I have some few friends and I would like to see content they create, but I'm not interested in seeing their likes. Any chance I could hide one and see other? Also if ...
Krystian's user avatar
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Facebook photo shows on timeline but not in Photos

There is a photo on Facebook timeline posted in 2012 (person not in my friend list). However the photo does not appear in Photos nor in the Album it is tagged in (earlier it use to appear in the album)...
Raum's user avatar
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2 votes
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How can I show my videos section in my Facebook timeline, so other people can see my video section?

Long time ago, I can see Video section in my Facebook timeline, its contain all my uploaded video. Other people visiting my timeline can see this sections. Now, I can't see the video section in my ...
Andiana's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Is your wall the same as your timeline on Facebook? [duplicate]

Would like to post to my "wall". Is that the same as the timeline? How does the timeline differ from the newsfeed?
timbrel2's user avatar
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No caption of followers below my Facebook cover pic

I am not able to see the list of my followers and the caption of followers is also not present. What should I do to see my followers?
Sweta Pawar's user avatar
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How can I list multiple schools under education on the timeline in Facebook

How can I control what school appears on the timeline in the Intro section? Currently I have only the latest school showing up. How can I make the previous one visible in the Intro section? I have ...
Daniel's user avatar
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How to prevent pages from posting on my Facebook timeline?

Some (unknown) pages are posting their content (i.e. sharing videos, articles..) on my Facebook timeline without my permission. The problem is that I am not able to see these posts on my timeline! ...
din's user avatar
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Facebook not showing photos on timeline

We have recently held an event and upload the photos to the event page. People can tag themselves in them but the photos are not showing up on the individual's timeline. The event and photos are both ...
eloise's user avatar
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How to limit old posts on Facebook to a custom friend list

I'd like to know how to automatically assign the visibility of all my Facebook posts to, at most, a custom friend list. I know about the "Limit Old Posts" feature, and this does not allow you to ...
jaycer's user avatar
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Find a years-old comment in Facebook (given certain details)

So I'm trying to plan a vacation with my family, and I'm considering Belize (bear with me, I know this is not Travel.SE). I have "On This Day" turned on in Facebook, and coincidentally, on ...
Dan Bron's user avatar
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Hide friending activity from Timeline by default

Whenever I get a new friend on Facebook, a new entry appears in Activity Log with a pencil icon. Clicking this pencil icon reveals that it is "Allowed on Timeline". I would like to make it "Hidden ...
nic's user avatar
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How to display my timeline of only a particular month in the past?

I want to check everything I posted a particular month many years ago. I could scroll down all the way, but scrolling all these years takes forever and makes my browser really slow. How to show my ...
nic's user avatar
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Facebook: How to hide 'Work and Education' from specific people?

In Facebook how to hide my "Work and Education" or "About You" details from specific people? Is there a way to hide from specific people?
Ramesh Murugesan's user avatar
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Is there a way to "clean" your Facebook profile/timeline? [duplicate]

Does Facebook have a function to "clean" the profile, meaning delete for example all posts (or all older than 5 years), but keep the friendlist? Something like "delete your profile", but only for ...
Raimund Krämer's user avatar
4 votes
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How can I delete multiple Facebook Posts on my timeline?

I'm trying to clean my Facebook profile's Timeline, but I don't like the idea of going through them all posts and delete one by one. Is there any tool, option or something that I'm missing, that ...
Chun's user avatar
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Facebook Posts lose first paragraph spacing

Is it just my computer, or does Facebook lose the spacing between the first two paragraphs in anyone else's posts on their timeline? It only happens between the first and second paragraphs. It seems ...
camainc's user avatar
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Can I access other days for On This Day?

As of today, Facebook's "On This Day" allows users to see memories from only the current day. How about seeing memories from other days?
Red Rackham's user avatar
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Facebook - let another page (or app) post to timeline of a page instead of to "Visitor posts"

Facebook lets you be logged in as a page so when you post things it can be as the page name instead of your personal name. Is there some way to be able to post to a page's timeline as another page? ...
g491's user avatar
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How to hyperlink an image that you upload on your timeline to an external website on Facebook?

I have a business Facebook page. I would like to upload images to my timeline post and hyperlink them to external website or webpage. So, when people click on the image, it will take them to a website ...
ThN's user avatar
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Why can't my friends see my posts on timeline?

Today I was checking the "view as" feature of Facebook and noticed that two of my friends can't see my posts and the pics that I have uploaded on my timeline. I mean it was showing nothing,not even a ...
aki's user avatar
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