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Questions tagged [gmail-conversations]

For questions specifically about the Conversations feature of Gmail

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Reply to Gmail email [closed]

When I receive emails they are at the top of the screen. When I reply it's at the bottom. I know you can click on the 3 dots to get the whole conversation, but can you reply to the emails at the ...
Robyn Hoskins's user avatar
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Is there a way to merge Gmail messages into a single conversation when Conversation View is already on?

This question is not about Conversation View. I have had that on, and still do, since I started using Gmail over 15 years ago. There is an old answer, from 2013, that says all you need to do is have ...
August's user avatar
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Under what conditions does gmail group distinct replies into a single thread? How can I force separate threads?

If I have an ad running on kijiji, and I get two responses in the same day, they are considered a single conversation, and I have to split them apart. On occasion I send out an email newsletter using ...
Sherwood Botsford's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Gmail conversations sorted by last activity

I cannot find a way to have my inbox conversation sorted by last activity (sent and received emails). I mean that if I send an email in a conversation that conversation does not appear at the top. ...
masciugo's user avatar
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How to delete (trash) gmail conversations while keeping all "Sent" messages

I am looking for a way to keep using the Gmail "Conversation" view, and be able to hit the Trash icon (not archive) to throw away the whole conversation, but still keep any "Sent" messages under the "...
JesseM's user avatar
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How can I forward an entire conversation and retain attachments in Gmail?

As stated in the title, I want to forward an entire conversation (as asked in this question, although the method to do this has changed a bit due to UI changes) while retaining all the attachments in ...
Dusty Vargas's user avatar
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Not seeing unread messages in Gmail conversation when multiple new responses

I admit, there is some user error here, but this has happened to me enough times that it seems others may have experienced it and found solutions or workarounds. This issue is with a Gmail ...
Eric Barr's user avatar
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Gmail email conversation always going to archive

My email conversation automatically always archives and I want them to remain in my inbox. When I am looking for the email, I have to do a search. I have checked off "Conversation group" but it still ...
Yukie9281's user avatar
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Can I show the individual messages of a thread in Gmail?

Is there a setting or plugin that allows me to unfold the individual messages of a Gmail thread in the message list? Example: Thread 1 (unfolded) >>> Message 1 >>> Message 2 >&...
Saaru Lindestøkke's user avatar
2 votes
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Starred conversations diving into oblivion

I recently discovered that in Gmail, by default, you star messages, not conversations. And that in the "starred" list, it shows the starred messages with their conversation, and not the conversation ...
T. Verron's user avatar
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Gmail conversation sender

I like conversation grouping very much, but there is one problem that bothers me quite often: in email list view the sender shown is always the sender of the first message in conversation while I ...
Ivan Chirkov's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Edit message as new in Gmail

Is there a way to edit messages as new in Gmail? I wish for something similar to forward function but with the message body unaltered. Or for a better explanation to use existing emails as a template....
Tiberiu C.'s user avatar
5 votes
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What exactly is a conversation in Gmail?

Apologies if this has been already answered somewhere here, but I really can't understand/find what is the actual notion of conversation in Gmail. According to Google: Gmail groups all replies ...
antonio's user avatar
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List Gmail conversations where last reply is not from me

I need to list all the Email threads where the last reply is not from me. This is to make sure that there are no mail threads where I have not replied to the client. What filters should I add in ...
Gokul N K's user avatar
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How does GMail order conversations?

I would like to know exactly how GMail decides which e-mail conversation to show 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. in a list of conversations. (I am talking about the inbox, but I expect it would use the same ...
A.M.'s user avatar
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How to know which messages in an email conversation I have already read, and which I have not?

I have been considering switching to GMail recently. I like the conversation view, but I do not like the fact, that the READ flag is applied to the entire conversation, not to the individual messages. ...
user35242's user avatar
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Archive one mail from conversation view [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Can I archive only certain messages within a conversation? Is there any way of moving only one mail from conversation to Archive? For example if you accidentally move Sent ...
user avatar
11 votes
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Can Gmail recognise threads/conversations with non-English reply prefixes?

In Gmail, when I receive a reply to a message with Subject: X, and the reply has Subject: Re: X, it correctly recognises it as a reply and sorts the message in the same thread/conversation. However, ...
gerrit's user avatar
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Is it possible to disable Gmail conversation threading from a URL parameter?

I have a search that I use to quickly delete some regular messages that I receive from a monitoring system, but some of them I want to keep. Because the subjects are all the same they all appear ...
Ronnie Barker's user avatar
6 votes
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How do you deal with a stacked message separately in Gmail

In Gmail, when I get a second (or more) message in from the same sender, they stack. Some of these I want to keep one message, and archive the others. Also I need to label them differently sometimes....
Lance Roberts's user avatar
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Grouping Gmail messages with different subjects under the same conversation [duplicate]

Possible Duplicates: Put together several messages into one conversation in Gmail Can I merge two conversation threads in Gmail? My application sends out related emails with different subjects. ...
user avatar
19 votes
3 answers

Put together several messages into one conversation in Gmail

I think Gmail is the first webmail provider that features the Conversation -- having only one mailbox entry for messages in the same thread. Neat. However, a downside to this is that when you edit ...
Kit's user avatar
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Can I archive only certain messages within a conversation?

I have a long conversation with many recipients (I'm organising an event), in amongst the replies I have 3 or 4 mail delivery failed messages, which I'd like to Archive (so that they're not messing up ...
Andrew M's user avatar
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How can I search for Gmail conversations that have more than one e-mail?

I previously used a service that sent me Slashdot articles as individual e-mails. All I had to do was give them the RSS url, and they handled the rest. On the Gmail side, I simply made a filter, ...
Matt Refghi's user avatar
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Gmail forwarding and thread merging

In this question about merging threads in Gmail I was given this advice: forward an orphaned email to yourself as a response to the thread you want it to be a part of, then delete the original How ...
Nifle's user avatar
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How can I turn off Gmail's threaded conversation view?

I mean, threaded conversations are useful, but sometimes I want to view messages the way e-mail clients traditionally did, with each message its own entity. How can I do that without using an ...
ale's user avatar
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Programatically change subject line and forward mail [closed]

Gmail groups email with the same subject line into a conversation view (threaded). I've never had an issue with this functionality until I began using an online fax service (myfax). I can't label / ...
Aaron's user avatar
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8 answers

How do I split conversations in Gmail?

I posted an ad on a website and when people respond, I get an email from [email protected] titled like this: Reply to your "1999 Pontiac Sunfire - As Is" ad on If two people reply to my ...
theycallmemorty's user avatar
12 votes
6 answers

Why doesn't the Gmail "mute" button show up for me?

In Gmail, there's a nice feature where you can "mute" a thread so that new replies on it no longer get marked as new, so that you aren't bothered by them any more. (Supposedly. I've never actually ...
Adam Tuttle's user avatar
55 votes
3 answers

How does Gmail decide to thread email messages?

Sometimes I'll notice false positives (includes an email that isn't part of the thread) and false negatives (misses an email that should have been part of the thread). How does Gmail decide which ...
Senseful's user avatar
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89 votes
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Can I merge two conversation threads in Gmail?

I really like that gmail keeps related email messages in one "thread" for easy access. But sometimes an email message gets left out. (I suspect the senders email client is misbehaving.) Is there a ...
Nifle's user avatar
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