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How to display the WHOLE CONTENTS of a Google Doc on a Google Sites webpage?

I belong to a club which has a Google Sites website. Various documents (Board minutes, schedules, newsletters, etc.) have been embedded on pages of this website. The embedding is very unattractive. ...
aparente001's user avatar
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Getting root domain SSL to work with G Suite, Google Sites, and Google Domains [closed]

I have Google's G Suite newly hooked up to a domain I'll call I have a Google Sites (a new-Google-Sites site) at an address like this: I have ...
scharfmn's user avatar
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Inserting NOT A HTML code into CLASSIC Google Sites [duplicate]

Recently, I was developing a classic Google Sites, but wanted to add a RevolverMaps Widget. The widget I was using was RevolverMaps Standard GL (you can search for revolver maps on google and click on ...
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How to publish a PDF file stored in Google Drive on a Google Sites?

I published a Google Sites webpage for anybody to access it with links to PDF files (presentations for my classes). Unfortunately, anybody who tries to download the PDF files needs special permission ...
minmax's user avatar
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How to embed a Github Repo Insight page to a new Google Site?

I have a private "new google site" where I would like to have an overview of several metrics. One of them is the number of open PRs on a private repository in Github. I can insert an embed github ...
Alex's user avatar
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How to pass a parameter allow= “geolocation” when embedding Google Apps Script in a Google site?

The target is to embed a Google Apps Script gadget into my Google site. The function of this script is to show a google map, determin the location of the client and center the map to the found ...
Peter Mattheisen's user avatar
-1 votes
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Google site, add common Google Apps script project to be called by other projects

I have created a Google site, in manage site there is option to add Google apps script and I can add multiple Google Apps Script projects that can be embedded in Google Site. Please see below ...
user5711693's user avatar
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Which non-google email domains can edit google sites as admins?

I set up a google sites site. I added some people to administrate it. I notice that one guy whose email address is his own domain like [email protected] it lets me add his email address. Another ...
barlop's user avatar
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Is there a way to send a blog post to my Google sites from an email?

I use WordPress for my personal blog and website and I would like to use all Google products. I really like posting to my WordPress blog via email. is there a way to do this with Google sites? Thank ...
Ancilleno Leno Davis's user avatar
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A Tagging System for FAQ Google Sites

I'm creating a FAQ for our department, and my first thought was to display it on a Google Sites page. I was also asked to be able to assign tags to each question, so that when I click a button or link ...
Shawn V. Wilson's user avatar
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How can I have a page on Google Sites redirect to a file in Google Drive?

Suppose I have a Google Sites such as I want to create a URL associated with the site (say that takes anybody who ...
Shane's user avatar
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How to avoid the menu button showing up in place of the horizontal navigation bar on the Google Site mobile version?

When I open my Google site on my phone, it replaces the horizontal navigation bar with a menu button. When I click on the menu button, it does show the horizontal navigation bar. The problem is the ...
Shane's user avatar
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How can I move a Google Sites website to GitHub pages?

I am trying to move all of my site from Google Sites to GitHub Pages. Is there a way to let me do that?
bb216b3acfd8f72cbc8f899d4d6963's user avatar
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What is the maximum number of pages allowed on a Google Site?

From Google Site Help - Storage and file limits: Designing a site with thousands of pages and attachments can slow the site and create a poor user experience. By thousands, do they mean 1000 or ...
user120656's user avatar
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Avoid displaying the date and time when a file was uploaded to Google Sites

When I upload a file or attachment to a Google Site page, the site displays the date and time it was uploaded. How to prevent this, and display only the name of the file?
Ullas Sanghvi's user avatar
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How do I disable comments globally on a Google Site?

In Google Sites, I can disable comments for a page by clicking Settings, Page Settings, and unchecking "Allow comments". How do I uncheck this option for all pages at once, i.e. disable comments ...
Michael A's user avatar
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Transfer Google Drive site to Google Sites

Can I get my Google Drive site switched over to Google Sites with it being the same? Can I directly code in Google Sites? If so, how?
gio1135's user avatar
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How to retrieve the HTML content of a Google Sites footer with a Google Apps Script?

I cannot find in documentation an equivalent to getSummary() or getTitle() to retrieve the HTML content of a Google Sites footer (the custom footer editable through Edit site layout > Custom Footer)...
JV conseil's user avatar
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Photo slideshow in Google Sites that works without Flash?

Just inserted a Google+ photo album on a web page built with Google Sites, then realized that it requires Flash! This means it doesn't display on my tablet, for example. Without requiring Flash, Is ...
feklee's user avatar
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Stop searching google sites

Is there a way to stop google and other search engines searching my Google Sites website? Is there any robots.txt?
Minimus Heximus's user avatar
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How do I localize content in Google Sites?

I'm trying to put together a simple public website and business email account for a family member and I'd like to use Gmail for Work (with his own domain, I've done that for several other family ...
introiboad's user avatar
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Migrate web site from Google Drive to Google Sites

I have a web site that is totally functional on Google Drive. Unfortunately, the company for which I work is starting to block Google Drive for security reasons. Is there a way I could move my site ...
RVDowning's user avatar
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Can a hyperlink close the previous window in Google Sites?

I want to use hyper-linked images for navigation between Google Sites pages. Right now the hyperlink creates a new tab when opened. Is there a way for the hyperlink to 'replace' the current page - ...
ruben_KAI's user avatar
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Reduce/remove spacing after header on Google Sites

I have a problem with spacing between header on my Google Site. There is a lot of space after the subheadings. This makes the heading "detached" form the text, and makes it harder to scan ...
Bittenus's user avatar
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Search and replace within Google Site

How do I search and replace HTML code on all pages of a Google Sites website? I have many pages. Specifically, I want to insert the new Google Analytics Universal code and delete the old code on all ...
amillar's user avatar
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Redirect loop on Google Site after setting access permissions

I have a website built with Google Sites and set the permissions so that only specific people can have access. Every time users visits the site, they will need to sign their respective Gmail accounts. ...
leonard's user avatar
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How to order subpages in Google Sites?

I have a section in my Google site that consists of a main page (part of the top navigation) and several subpages. On the main page I want to show a list of the subpages using the "list of subpages" ...
Matthias's user avatar
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Google Sites URL termination?

I made a Google Site on the wrong Google Account, so I deleted the site and permanently deleted it the deleted sites folder. I switched to another account and tried to create the site al over, but it ...
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Google Docs links don't work when embedded in Google Site as iframe

I'm attempting to embed the "published to web" version of a Google doc as an iFrame inside a Google Sites page. My goal is for it to be "seamless" (i.e., the site's page viewer doesn't even know the ...
Ian Varley's user avatar
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Freeze first row of Google spreadsheet when displayed in Google site

When a Google spreadsheet is displayed in a Google site window, the complete table being displayed moves when the displayed window is scrolled. The top row containing headers moves out of view. This ...
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Drive document doesn't display on Google Site

When I try to insert a Google Drive document other viewers can't see it. For example when I log out (or ask a friend to look at it) all I can see is an empty space where the document is supposed to ...
Barbara's user avatar
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What are Google Sites Shared with me and where to view them?

I've recently checked my Google Account details on the Google Dashboard site. The paragraph "Sites" told me that I have one Site and over 700 thousand sites "shared with me" What are those "Shared ...
Mason C.'s user avatar
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500 error with Google admin sdk

I'm using the Admin SDK with Google Apps Script to create a directory of user's names and emails on a Google Site. The code seems to work fine because when I view the logs I see the results. [14-02-...
Ronan's user avatar
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Putting my company directory into Google Sites with pictures

I'm using this code to pull the name and emails of my users into an intranet page on Google Sites. I was just wondering, is there some code that I can add to this so I can retrieve pictures? I would ...
Ronan's user avatar
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Custom domain under SSL with Google Sites?

Is there a way to have a Google Sites hosted as say, rather than while supporting HTTPS? It seems to me that only HTTP redirect and no SSL ...
Joannes Vermorel's user avatar
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How to add microdata in website created using Google Sites

Website freely created in Google Sites is not allowing me to add microdata in it. In HTML editor view, I edited and added itemscope, itemtype and itemprop. But once I saved and opened again the HTML ...
rashok's user avatar
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How can I get a list of all Google Sites shared with me?

Over at, there are tabs for "My Sites" and "Deleted Sites", but I can't seem to find a way to list all sites to which I have access (those created by others). Google Drive ...
colan's user avatar
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How do I upload a complete site to Google Sites?

How can I upload all files and pages I have locally up to Google Sites? Right now I can use templates as per my own wish to add folders, sidebars, footers to annotate the site. I am not talking about ...
Masroor's user avatar
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Linking to a specific spot on a page in Google Sites

I am looking to link a button to a specific line on a page. Is this possible using Google Sites?
user42780's user avatar
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How do I move a list to the top of the page in Google Sites?

I have created a page using the built-in List template in Google Sites. However, the list appears after all the other text. How can I move the list to the top of the page?
Robin Green's user avatar
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Is there any way to link to a Google Presentation and if using iOS have it open in Google Drive app?

We have some sites that want link to various presentation's, idealy our staff should click on a link and be able to present it. We have linked to the presentation but it opens in the mobile web view. ...
Mesh's user avatar
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File upload to Google Drive

I would like to use Google Sites to create a web site, where users can upload files. These uploaded files are stored at Google Drive, and data about the file is stored in a Google spreadsheet. Are ...
Jay Godse's user avatar
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Google Sites: Google or Facebook Login

I would like to use Google Sites to create a membership web site, where somebody could come to the public landing page and then sign in with Google or Facebook (e.g. using OpenID) and then get access ...
Jay Godse's user avatar
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Google Sites File Attachment Date and Time

I live in the Central Time Zone. When I attach a file in my Google Site, it shows Pacific Time for the Attachment Time. Is there anyway to have it show Central Time?
Math Man's user avatar
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How do I write an HTML character without the browser converting it on Google Sites?

Specifically I'm trying to write "̅" with the quotation marks to indicate the character. I want the code to appear not the character. I'm looking for alternative answers than to use > ...
timothy.s.lau's user avatar
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Replicate user permissions for Google Sites/Docs

I have User B temporarily filling the role of User A. User A is owner or editor over several Sites/Pages and Docs. The Sites have hundreds of Docs on them. I want to replicate all the Google Sites/...
Ross's user avatar
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Quick sign-in to Google Sites for Google Apps for Education?

My university has Google Sites that are in its own domain (Google Apps for Education). At the bottom of a regular Google Sites page there is usually the following set of links: Sign in|Report Abuse|...
Fuhrmanator's user avatar
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Google Sites as Wiki--Discussion Option

We are using Google Sites as a wiki. I wonder if there is a way to run a discussion behind the scenes as can be done in Wikispaces. If so, how would you do this with Google Sites. We are all already ...
Judy's user avatar
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How can I get LaTeX with MathJax to show up in Google Sites?

I have tried loading MathJax through a Google Sites HTML Box. But I can't get the JS to load. Does anyone have another solution for getting the JS to load or LaTeX into Google Sites?
timothy.s.lau's user avatar
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How Do I Delete Old Versions of Files from Google Site

I use Google sites for file repository, to be later retrieved by others. As you understand, the files sometimes go through modifications. And whenever, I upload the modified file, it is saved as a new ...
Masroor's user avatar
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