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Questions tagged [google-docs-template]

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1 answer

How do I add a google doc to the Docs template gallery?

I have a template document in Google Docs. It was added to the template gallery of my work account a few years back. When I am logged in to my personal account (not my work account) it shows as added ...
ctrl-alt-delor's user avatar
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How to ask sub questions in google docs

I have already searched the internet for this but I'm getting solutions for only google forms and not google docs. I'm trying to create a simple MCQ paper that looks like this... Question one a. opt-...
Rithish K R's user avatar
4 votes
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Showing Inline Section Headers in Document Outline

I am attempting to follow the APA style guideline for section headers. Under their guidelines, there are 5 different styles of section headers. The first three levels are on their own line, but the ...
John Hadish's user avatar
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Google doc access to anyone but keeping mastercopy as it is

I have one google document - which i like to keep as a master copy/template. I want to allow users without any kind of email/account to access this master copy - edit something and save it to doc file ...
Dolatsang Parmar's user avatar
3 votes
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URL to create new Google doc from Template Gallery *and* set folder destination

Right now, we have a workflow where: someone goes to the Template Gallery picks a template saves the new doc/sheet and moves it to a specific shared Drive folder. We're trying to reduce the number ...
Edward Wu's user avatar
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Google Docs - Automatic Links/Macros to Section Numbers

I'm not sure the proper terms for what I'm trying to do, but essentially, consider if I have the following headers in my document: 1. Section a. Sub-Section b. Sub-Section c. Sub-Section 1. ...
samanime's user avatar
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Populating Google docs from multiple templates depending on Google forms responses

I have the script below to create Google docs from a template when a form response is submitted. But this scripts uses only one template. What I want is to create different docs depending on the ...
Aroon Advisory Group's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

How to apply a Google Docs template styles to an existing doc

I have a Google Document that was created using default styles. Our company has since created some Google Docs templates to use for styling. I'd like to apply the template's styling to this existing ...
Mike Eng's user avatar
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Is it possible to import LaTeX document (with formating) into Google-docs?

I prepared a resume / CV using moderncv ( in LaTeX. Is there any possibility to import my document into Google-Docs? Since LaTeX is ...
matandked's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Specify a default document template in Google Docs

Is there any way in Google Docs to specify a default document template that all my new documents are based on? Like most of the metric world, I don't use the legal paper size. I also generally don't ...
CAD bloke's user avatar
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