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19 votes
2 answers

How can I cross an overpass in "Street View" without being dropped to the roadway below?

I am trying to use Google Street View in Google Maps and Google Earth to explore an unfamiliar area to avoid getting lost a second time but I'm having trouble negotiating an overpass. As I progress ...
Tim's user avatar
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How to move fast in street view of google earth/google map?

Clicking just let you move 1 step forward. How to move multi-steps? I understand that images are generally not recommended, but in this situation, I think it is reasonable for me to upload one for ...
Luk Aron's user avatar
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Create KML file from Google Earth URL

I've been emailed the following,-97.29304982,148.9215598a,284.21410691d,31.95361314y,0h,0t,0r Is there a way to turn this into a KML file? I have downloaded ...
user1592380's user avatar
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Any way to plot 100K+ points on a map?

Does anyone know a way to upload hundreds of thousands of lat/longs to a map (Google Maps, but open to other suggestions) at the same time? I have a CSV with the full address, and the lat/longs for ...
Alastair Budge's user avatar
1 vote
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Custom Sized Google Maps (Showing Street Names)

I'm currently geocoding a number of addresses, all contained within the same city, and I would like to eventually be able to print out the map, with these addresses marked, of the city. Now, I would ...
Ecksters's user avatar
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2 answers

Find level above sea of a place in Google Maps

Does Google Maps have info of the level above sea of ground? If so, how can I get it?
flybywire's user avatar
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Finding businesses within an 'n' mile radius of a point with Google Maps or Earth

I'm working on an article that seeks to find a certain type of business within my borough. Ideally I'd be able to supply a KML file and have it return only businesses within those bounds, but I'm not ...
aendra's user avatar
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4 votes
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Earth View as default for Google Maps

I frequently use Earth View (the one like in external Google Earth program) on as I find it more pleasant and quick rather then the laggy map and satellite views. However, every time ...
Россарх's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

How do I get a 3D building added to Google Earth / Maps?

I noticed that there wasn't a 3D model available for a particular location on Google Earth. I know how this building looks, so how would I contribute by making a model of it?
Jesse Dorsey's user avatar