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How can I change the language of the UI of Google maps to English? [duplicate]

My operating system language is English US. My regional settings in operating system are English US My browser settings are in English US. Three different browsers: Google Chrome, Opera, Firefox. My ...
Jose's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible to set different languages for different Google apps?

If I change my Google account's default language, it sets it for Search and Google Maps, and Gmail and so on... Now I want my Search to default to one language and my Google Maps default language to ...
user315338's user avatar
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Cannot change language for Google Maps [duplicate]

I originally set up both English and Japanese for all Google application as my understandable languages but since it started bothering me I deleted the Japanese and keep only English. However, every ...
Nao Kobayashi's user avatar
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Change language forever

Trying to change the default language in Google Maps by settings in Menu > Language. But it sets required language just for current settings. Next time I open Google Maps I have the previous language. ...
user1128179's user avatar
11 votes
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How to change the language on Google Maps?

My Chinese is still pretty poor, and my Korean is worse.  But Google Maps recently began showing me everything in Korean or Chinese.  Sometimes even a mixture of both. I can't find anything to change ...
user avatar
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How to disable local geographic names on Google Maps?

For some reason Google Maps displays local geographic names for each country, even when the country uses non-Latin script, which makes it completely unreadable. Is there a way to force it to show ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
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How can I prevent the Google Maps Country Redirect? [closed]

Google maps has started to redirect me to my local country domain - from to Is there any way to prevent this without using cookies? Llike the "No Country ...
laktak's user avatar
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Is there a way to change the language of an embedded Google Map?

I'm embedded a Google Map in my website and it always appears in the user's browser locale language, whereas I want it to always be in English. Is there any way to enforce this? Here's an example:
Shimmy Weitzhandler's user avatar
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Google Maps menu in Russian [duplicate]

I can't change Google Maps menu to English. English is my language of choice throughout Google, but in Google Maps the menu is in Russian. How can I change it to English?
Nick's user avatar
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2 answers

Default language for Google Maps [duplicate]

When using Google Maps the web often displayed in Vietnamese. (I live in Vietnam.) I want it default to be English. How can I do that?
Nam G VU's user avatar
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How to make Google Maps remember my language? [duplicate]

Although this is minor issue, it is annoying. I'm usually logged into my Google Account and my Chrome browser remembers my login. All other Google services remember my chosen language. Only Google ...
Tschareck's user avatar
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Metric units in Google Maps?

Is it possible to tell Google Maps to use metric units? I know that for instance the German version does use metric units, but I'd rather use the English one.
Kim's user avatar
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