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Questions tagged [google-maps]

For questions about Google's web application for showing maps in a web browser. Questions about smartphone apps or development using the Google Maps API belong elsewhere.

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75 votes
3 answers

Permanently turn off new Google Maps and go back to old one

I found new Google Maps slow, useless (routes with only two points) and wrong. Is there any way, I can turn it off completely and go back to favored old Google Maps? Or is this — as with ...
trejder's user avatar
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65 votes
4 answers

Is there a way to export my starred locations from Google Maps?

I have hundreds of locations starred in Google Maps. I'd like to export the list of them so that I can import them into other software, like Google Earth or map applications on my Android phone. Is ...
endolith's user avatar
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37 votes
10 answers

How do I plot a bunch of points on Google Maps?

I've got a list of hundreds of lat/long coordinates and I want to plot them on Google Maps. What is the easiest way to do this? The data is currently in CSV format.
BrettRobi's user avatar
  • 481
32 votes
9 answers

Create a Google maps link to a specific location

I'm looking to create a link to a specific location using latitude and longitude for positioning, however I would also like to be able to add a marker onto the map as well, at the same location. This ...
Sean Taylor's user avatar
30 votes
6 answers

Can I use Google's Timeline to get the times I've been to a specific location?

Google Map's Timeline records where I (or at least my phone) has been throughout the day every day. Given a particular location, I'd like to see a list of times when I've been there. To get tax credit ...
blearyeye's user avatar
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29 votes
1 answer

Is there any way to get driving directions to a location at a specified time of the day?

Is there any way to get driving directions in Google Maps to a location at a specified time of the day? By that I mean the map should take into account the average traffic for that specific time ...
squashbuff's user avatar
29 votes
4 answers

How can I choose a different icon for each Saved Places list?

Have there been any changes since this question was originally asked? I can't find the option to change the colors of my Save Places list. All my lists are in light blue.
user avatar
27 votes
2 answers

Remove "labels" overlay on new Google Maps

On the old style Google Maps there was an option to remove the "labels" overlay so in satellite view you would just see the map. In the new version of Maps I can't seem to find out how to remove ...
Jonny Wright's user avatar
24 votes
9 answers

How to update Google "My Maps" when Spreadsheet data changes?

In the process of building a Google My Maps map, I found that it's quite handy to import spreadsheets from your Google Drive to use it as a source for your map layers. As using spreadsheets is pretty ...
kaiser's user avatar
  • 379
22 votes
3 answers

How to prevent Google Maps from zooming in

It there a way to prevent Google Maps from zooming in when your search for a city? Scenario: When I search for Ocala, FL, it's not because I want a map of Ocala, FL. It's because I want to know ...
user avatar
19 votes
4 answers

How do I rotate a Google map?

Sometimes I wish to rotate a map. I can do this with scribblemaps, but it is more of a drawing tool then a plain map view. Is there a better solution?
DoNotInstall's user avatar
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19 votes
4 answers

In Google Maps, how do I find out the latitude and longitude of a point?

I am interested in finding the latitude and longitude of a point on a map. How do I do so in Google Maps?
ahsteele's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

How can I cross an overpass in "Street View" without being dropped to the roadway below?

I am trying to use Google Street View in Google Maps and Google Earth to explore an unfamiliar area to avoid getting lost a second time but I'm having trouble negotiating an overpass. As I progress ...
Tim's user avatar
  • 331
18 votes
5 answers

How can I add multiple destinations in new Google Maps?

Just been on the new Google Maps (the online, desktop browser based, Google Maps), and did a route planner from A to B. However, I want to add in a pickup along the way (just like could be done in the ...
musefan's user avatar
  • 331
17 votes
3 answers

Turning Google Timeline into a travel map

I went on a trip and I'd like to make a map of the places I went. I could do this manually in Google Maps, but I know my 'phone tracks me everywhere I go. Is there any way to take a Google Timeline ...
rhaskett's user avatar
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17 votes
1 answer

Why does Google blur out the name on this street sign?

I was searching StreetView in the UK for a particular road sign but when I got to the location I saw this: Why has Google blurred out the street name, but only one part of the street name? Other ...
ChrisF's user avatar
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16 votes
7 answers

How to get the coordinates in the new Google Maps?

You used to be able to right-click and drop a lat-lon marker on a point to get its coordinates: How do you get the latitude & longitude in the new Google Maps? Update: just got an email from ...
Matt's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Why is Google maps enforcing the "sensor" parameter?

The Google maps geocoding API has a sensor parameter that is mandatory in V3: sensor (required) — Indicates whether or not the geocoding request comes from a device with a location sensor. This ...
Pekka's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

Is there a quick way of getting a beautiful URL to a Google search query? [duplicate]

When searching Google I often want to share a link to my search. (not to a search result, to the current page with the results) Many years ago Google used to have excellent URLs. For example: ...
Kobi's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

How can I find out when a particular Google Streetview scene was shot?

Looking at scenic roads, I think it would be quite interesting to know when the Google Streetview took the particular photo. In the linked example, it would give me an impression of possible snow ...
gerrit's user avatar
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15 votes
5 answers

How can I measure distance in Google Maps?

How can I measure the distance between two points in Google Maps? I just can't find any solution for it!
LanceBaynes's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Is there a way to customize foot speed for Google Maps Transit directions?

I often use transit directions to get around, but sometimes I'd rather run five minutes to catch up to a bus instead of waiting where I am for 15 minutes for the next bus. Google Maps transit ...
sgryzko's user avatar
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15 votes
6 answers

Google Maps: add to contacts

I've searched Google Maps for a business. I've found it. I'm looking at the popup/bubble/whatever on the map, for that business. Is there something I can from this point to quickly get that ...
lance's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

What's the difference between Favorites, Want to go, and Starred places?

Does it make a difference where I save places?
orschiro's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Can I use Google Maps to tell me how many times I have been to a specific place?

I would like to see how many times I went to my local gym to see whether it's worth paying their monthly sub or whether I should just pay every time I go there. Is it possible to do that with maps? I ...
Meki Banda's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

How can I encode my preference of biking/walking/public transport in a google maps URL?

I used to be able to specify a url parameter to automatically show public transport directions, but it stopped working and now I only get driving directions when I enter a URL like this: https://www....
nachocab's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

How do I get a 3D building added to Google Earth / Maps?

I noticed that there wasn't a 3D model available for a particular location on Google Earth. I know how this building looks, so how would I contribute by making a model of it?
Jesse Dorsey's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

Is there a legend that explains the meaning of colored geographical areas on Google Maps?

Some colors are obvious, but some are not (at least to me). For example, what does it mean when an area is shaded pink?
clarkb86's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

Is there a way to return to satellite view with latest Google Maps?

With the new Google Maps integrating Google Earth and 3D into the web browser I'm experiencing some performance problems on my PC when I feel the need to look something up while processing power is ...
LostBoy's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Search restaurants (POIs) along a route with google maps

This weekend I was on a 7h trip and looking for the next favorite restaurant along the route. All had was an android cell phone and a pretty slow internet connection. My first try was the hompage of ...
Andreas Dolk's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

How to change the language on Google Maps?

My Chinese is still pretty poor, and my Korean is worse.  But Google Maps recently began showing me everything in Korean or Chinese.  Sometimes even a mixture of both. I can't find anything to change ...
user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

How to search for places along a route?

I often try to integrate some errands in trips while I'm underway. For instance, I might look for a specific kind of store that is reasonably close to where I pass by. I am trying to find out how to ...
O. R. Mapper's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Permanently change the units in Google Maps (from miles to km)

Despite all the tracking that Google does, it somehow can't remember that I prefer to use km as a unit on Google Maps. Every time I need to click on the label to toggle it from Miles to Km. Is there ...
laurent's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

How to show a marker with a description at specific coordinates via URL with the new (mid-2013) Google Maps

A link like this used to work up until the latest revamp of Google Maps (before July 2013):,6.657248 What it did was to show a map with ...
Sergio's user avatar
  • 111
11 votes
1 answer

Can I set a preferred transportation method in Google Maps?

Every time I start a new search in Google Maps for directions, the default transportation method is always self-driving, and I need to change it to public transportation or walking. Can I set a ...
Tim's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

How do you show traffic and other layers in the new Google Maps?

On desktop, in the previous versions of Google Maps, you could see transit lines and traffic. I can't find these options in the new version of Google Maps. Where are they?
Benjamin Crouzier's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Is there a way to calculate a Google Maps commute based on past traffic delay times?

I am using Google Maps to determine my route to work. It is about an hour currently, but I know that when I factor in traffic it will be longer. I want to know just how much longer it will be. I was ...
KDecker's user avatar
  • 221
10 votes
7 answers

Function to find distance between cities

I'm working with Google Docs and want to create a spreadsheet of the following form: Point A Point B Mileage Los Angeles Miami 292100 Palo Alto San Francisco ...
Nick Heiner's user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

How to find my saved locations in Google Maps?

I have lots of favorite locations (starred locations) in Google Maps. It's visible on the map as I scroll/drag to it. But isn't there a place where all the saved locations/coordinates are listed? I ...
John Eipe's user avatar
  • 203
10 votes
1 answer

Cannot create new lists and cannot save places to existing lists in Google Maps

I have three predefined lists in Google Maps (Favorites, Want to go and Starred places). When I try to save any location to the first two I get an error "Failed to save to Favorites" or "Failed to ...
Limbo Exile's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Force Google Maps to update "My location" when I move

I travel a lot and I use Google Maps to help me get around. The My location feature is very handy when you're lost and find a Wi-Fi hotspot but it has one problem. My Location likes to cache the ...
hippietrail's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

How do I manage "Want to go" and "Favorite" places in Google Maps?

In the Google Maps mobile app, "Your Places", consists of three categories of places: Favorites Want to go Starred places as well as others that can be added by the user. In Google Maps in browsers ...
orome's user avatar
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10 votes
0 answers

What do the red dashed lines mean in Google Maps? [duplicate]

What are the red/white "dotted" lines signifying in Google Maps? See image: See also Aneityum on Google Maps.
CPTBeyond's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

How to create a map of a fictional place with Google Maps

The wiki for one of the video games I play has a map of the game world powered by Google Maps. You can see the map here. How would I go about creating a map like this for my own project? Is this ...
squillman's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Can I change the Google Maps default to have "transit" enabled?

Every time I go to Google maps to look up an address I always need to click on "transit" since it's the only way I get around and (more importantly) the only way I can find my way in my adopted city. ...
Alex In Paris's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

What is the name of the icon for Google Maps street view?

What is the name of the icon for Google Maps street view? It is orange and modeled on a man. (Today he wears an uniform with a ball for World Cup): Is it called just a stickman?
lamusique's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

How can I highlight a region on Google Maps where I can go within 20 minutes walking?

Occasionally, I am looking for a hotel not too far from some location, such as a conference center. Not too far is then at first within walking distance, say up to 20 minutes walking. Can I highlight ...
Egon Willighagen's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Link to directions on Google Maps with one destination prefilled

I want a link on my site which visitors can use to get directions to my location. Is it possible to create a link to a Google Maps directions page, where one end of the directions (the destination) is ...
eykanal's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

How do I find the URL for a customized embedded Google map?

I'm trying to find the URL for a custom embedded map (not my map -- the one at so that I can bookmark a link with the zoom and location levels that are useful to me, but I ...
eisb's user avatar
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8 votes
6 answers

How do I set a default Google Maps location?

Every time I open Google Maps it defaults to Palmer Ranch Healthcare & Rehabilitation. How do I change this?
Gordon Skead's user avatar

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