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Questions tagged [google-sheets-query]

Use for questions about QUERY built-in function from Google Sheets.

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97 votes
10 answers

How can I make some data on a Google Sheets auto-sorting?

Let's say I want Google Sheets to automagically sort some data, for example column C. How do I do that? I know that I can manually sort data by right-clicking and selecting Sort data, but this is ...
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2 votes
1 answer

Transpose Ranges repeated by row

I would like to convert several range of columns into rows, and keeping the association to the original col/row source Sample source sheet --------------------------------------------------- | Data ...
Fernan's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Dynamic date range query

I'm trying to create two cells that will update my query: A >= date"A1" and A <= date "B1". My goal is to create a search page for the data, where the end user could insert a date or the =today() ...
Charles's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Unable to parse query string for function Query, when using IMPORTRANGE

This is the problem I'm seeing: Error - Unable to parse query string for function QUERY parameter 2: NO_COLUMND The formula is of the form: =query(importange("...", "Sheet!A:V"), "select D where ...
jas9531's user avatar
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3 votes
5 answers

multiple IF statements with between number ranges alternative

How to efectively deal with multiple IF-statements and with multiple "between number" ranges in Google Sheets' spreadsheet (e.g. C column based on B column) with a rule set as follows: 01-10 11-20 ...
user0's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Google Sheets QUERY won't display cell text if other cells have numbers

I'm not sure what is happening in my Google Sheet query and could really use some help. I have a quick screencast that demonstrates and explains the issue. Basically, I'm using a query to pull data ...
Mr. B's user avatar
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153 votes
9 answers

Google Sheets formula for "if contains"

I'm trying to figure out how to identify IF a list of items in one cell containing a value or string. EXAMPLE Cell A1 contains sites, sheets, docs, slides. I want cell B1 to display a 1 'if' cell A1 ...
Mr. B's user avatar
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36 votes
13 answers

Can I use column headers in a =QUERY?

Reading the documentation for the =QUERY function1, 2, 3, some of it seems to imply that I should be able to use column headers directly in my query. For example, the =QUERY function takes a third ...
Vidar S. Ramdal's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

How to sort a Google Sheets Query by a custom ordering

I have a table of choir members with a “name” and a “voice type” column. How can I write a query that orders them by decreasing pitch level of the voice type (i.e. soprano > contralto > tenor > bass)? ...
törzsmókus's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Google Sheets Split row in multiple rows

I'm doing a spreadsheet for an event and I need to split a row into multiple rows. It's getting data from a form. I need a script that can arrange the data like in the blue rectangle.
Comunicação Andreia's user avatar
186 votes
3 answers

How to group data in a Google Spreadsheet?

I have the following table in a Google Spreadsheet: Name | Value A | 10 B | 100 A | 20 B | 200 C | 1000 How can I create another table based on a query: select name, sum(value), ...
serg555's user avatar
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10 votes
6 answers

Split content of one row into multiple rows?

I have a table where each row contains data like this: Team name | First member | Second member | Third member | Team description Would it be possible to transform/break this data so that each row ...
Dom Delimar's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Using Query with column headers instead of column letters

I have a formula that I use to dynamically get the column letter for a 1-Dimensional array that are the column headers of a sheet. In order to use QUERY() with column names instead of letters. ...
Douglas Gaskell's user avatar
7 votes
7 answers

LEFT JOIN two and more tables in Google Sheets

Say I have two tables. Table A (material requirements): product_id | material | required 1 | A | 0.5 1 | B | 0.7 2 | A | 0.2 3 | A | 0....
emihir0's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Query syntax using cell reference

I'm having trouble figuring out a fairly simple QUERY statement in Google Spreadsheets. I'm trying to use a cell reference instead of static values and I'm running into trouble. I keep getting Error: ...
Mr. B's user avatar
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3 answers

QUERY error for BY column

I'm using the following query to pull data from one sheet into another. =query(data!B2:CL,"select B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, BB, BZ, CA, BA where J = 'Industry Certification'",false) The above query ...
Mr. B's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Joining multiple sheets horizontally

I have a number of spreadsheets I want to join them horizontally by Id. How would you achieve that? p.s I should mention that the id order could be different in each spreadsheet
user2926340's user avatar
43 votes
3 answers

FILTER(condition OR condition) syntax?

I am using FILTER() to display a value from Sheet 2 where the Name columns match. My problem is where I want: =FILTER(Sheet2!A:F, Sheet2!A:A="Combat Medic" OR Sheet2!A:A="Universal") as OR results ...
Rushmik's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

Google Sheets Query Get Row When Any of These Cells are Not Empty

So like my title states I would like to select via a query only the rows where certain cells are not blank/empty. I have 4 pools that I have a form for collecting their chemistry. In separate sheets ...
CamSyl's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

How can I create a unique list of data across multiple rows AND columns?

Google Sheets has a UNIQUE() function which when given a column of values, will output a column of all unique values. This works well for column-specific data, however, you have multiple columns and ...
RLH's user avatar
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13 votes
8 answers

How to make a query with Google Spreadsheet, that checks for a date

I have a range that goes from B4:H124. All the cells in column B are dates. I would like to retrieve the data from a row (B:H), where the DATE equals to the content of a specific cell, lets say Q4. ...
Kenci's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How to Create a Google Sheets Script for Reporting 26-Week New Highs using GOOGLEFINANCE Function?

I'm looking to use GoogleSheets to display ticker symbols and prices in real-time of stocks that have created new 26-week highs, i.e. today's highest trading price is greater than any trading price ...
P.D.'s user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Query is returning a single concatenated string of values THEN the rows it found

I'm getting some really weird results from my QUERY() Here is an image with an example: I'm querying for the name where No Show = "No Show". It find the correct name Name 5 but also returns a ...
Douglas Gaskell's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Adding missing dates to Google Sheets

I'm pulling data from HubSpot to Google Sheets via 3rd party connector. I have a raw data set on Sheet 1 and then I'm pulling certain data from Sheet 1 to other Sheets with QUERY function. For ...
Mike's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Help with a "=QUERY(IMPORTRANGE(..." formula in Google Sheets

Having trouble with a =QUERY(IMPORTRANGE(... formula in grabbing a value from a single cell in another sheet, but only in the row where a particular text value exists in another column in that row. I ...
Mark Brockett's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to combine two QUERY results into one column

I have the following QUERY =query(XX!A2:A;" select A where A>'50' ") and =query(YY!A2:A;" select A where A>'50' ") how do I combine these two data sources so I don't have to have two ...
Marek Marhoul's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

List all records with certain criteria

Help. I just cannot get this going even after 2 hours of searching Google. I have a Google Spreadsheet that has a "List" sheet and an "Outstanding" sheet. I want to see what's outstanding from a ...
AndrewH's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I return query results without the 'sum' column label?

I have the following formula in Google Sheets: =QUERY(INDIRECT(C13&"!$C$5:F"), "SELECT sum(F) WHERE D ='" &$E$12 &"' AND C >= date'" &TEXT($G$4,&...
ELLIPS's user avatar
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1 answer


I have the following random data in sheet one A orange D yellow C yellow B orange B orange C blue A yellow D blue C orange C blue In sheet two I use the following query function: A1=...
Dave's user avatar
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1 answer

Defining a custom order in a Google Sheet query?

I'm using a Query in Google Sheets to pull data from another sheet. That query looks something like this: =QUERY('Raw Data'!A2:AB,"SELECT E, A, C, D, Y, R, S WHERE S = 'New York'",1 ) What I'd like ...
Mark P.'s user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Pretty print google sheet formula?

Finding answers on Web Apps SE or Reddit is wonderful, but if you don't understand them you can't modify them. I recently came across the following as part of an answer: ={"Corrected List 2";...
Sherwood Botsford's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

Average of last 7 non-empty non-blank cells in Google Sheets

I have numbers in range D7:D and there are times when some cells are empty. I want the average of the last 7 numbers but to skip blanks. So if in the last 7 there's only 3 that are full, I want it to ...
Spongebob Squarepants's user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

Is it possible to use named ranges in Google spreadsheet queries so that the columns references are kept up to date?

Using Google Spreadsheets, you can write queries. However, if you have column letters in quotes, then they aren't updated as column order changes. Is there a way to write these queries so they don't ...
Alex B's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Remove header and blank row from the results of a SUM, GROUP BY query

I have a two column table where one column is some sort of key where duplicates are allowed and the other column includes amounts. I then have the following formula somewhere else on the sheet: =...
Robert Hickman's user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

Count the number of words in a string in Google Sheets

I have a simple Google spreadsheet with a number of text strings. I just want the number of words contained in each cell. Is there an in-built Google spreadsheet function I may use?
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8 votes
2 answers

Google Sheets Filter Multi Column List With Another List Using A Function

I have two lists (A and B). I want to filter list "A" (a multi column list) with values in list "B" to create a Final List, list "C". List "A" has multiple records for each student ID number. List "B"...
Mr. B's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

How to make SQL CROSS JOIN of two tables with Google Spreadsheet?

I am just figuring out how to achieve an apparently simple problem. I use to have data as in database tables in my spreadsheets. It's simple data but I often need to use =QUERY function and would be ...
Emilio Nicolás's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Query Multiple Ranges with Results in Row

I am trying to query five ranges with the results displayed across a single row. To do this, I was using { } with commas separating each range, but it's only giving me the first range in return. ...
Bardo's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Query or filter the data where the start time is past 3:00 pm

I've started using Google Sheets for our logbook and it's been a great help. I have data with a time component in it (start and end time) and I'd like to query or filter the data where the start time ...
Jason's user avatar
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1 answer

Google Sheets Query group by multiple

My sheet is here, and we are looking on the sheet called "Paste". I would like a query that finds and sums the total dollar amounts when the same customer receives the same service code more than ...
Neill Dorn's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Dropdown list based on the result of another cell's dropdown

I want to populate a dropdown list based on a selection of another cell's dropdown list. Here is my spreadsheet. E.g., if the user does not make a choice from D20 dropdown menu, therefore F20 ...
MJM's user avatar
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2 answers

Get rid of row in result of Google Spreadsheets query

I use the following formula in my Google Spreadsheet: QUERY(Inkomster!A2:G;"SELECT SUM(C) WHERE G="&B3&" AND F='"&A3&"'") This returns the following (On two different rows that ...
Anton Gildebrand's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to address the columns of an inline array?

Suppose you want to run a query against an inline array: QUERY({"apple"; "orange"; "banana"}, "select A") This yields Unable to parse query string for Function QUERY parameter 2: NO_COLUMNA. Is ...
Fadeway's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Data Validation with an IF formula

I've got a list of items that I want to include in a Drop Down. Using data validation, all I need to do is add the range and this works. However, the list has various types of data and I want to ...
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4 votes
1 answer

Dynamically reference data from multiple tabs and sort it

I've got a spreadsheet with multiple tabs of data. The data contains 2 columns, A = Categories, B = Quantity. I've created a copy of the spreadsheet HERE (please use file > copy) if you would like ...
sam's user avatar
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3 answers

Sorting unique rows by a related SUMIF column

I am putting together a worksheet to keep track of expenses. I currently have the following source table called "Expenses": A         B C D 1 Date Description Category Amount 2 1-Jan ...
jared's user avatar
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1 answer

Google Sheets - Using IMPORTRANGE with a variable number of rows

Google Sheets - Using IMPORTRANGE with a variable number of rows it possible to add the required number of blank rows to avoid the IMPORTRANGE's overwrite error? Test Input: https://docs....
Kevin R's user avatar
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1 answer

How to search multiple columns in Google Spreadsheet and return values in other columns?

I have two spreadsheets and would like to enter a value into cell A1, have it check multiple columns in a spreadsheet named 'data' and output information from other columns if it's a match. ----------...
Michael's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Import current price from website to spreadsheet

As you can probably gather from the title, the goal is to plug the current price of this product into a spreadsheet. Perhaps I'm over-complicating things, but there must be an easy way to do this. The ...
Bill-Skates's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to GROUP and ORDER data in a Google Spreadsheets?

I want to group and sort a particular data set. I've prepared the data using a QUERY function and using other functions. Can I order by sum? This is an example file I created: order by sum
Lucas Ribeiro Maia's user avatar