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Questions tagged [google-sheets-query]

Use for questions about QUERY built-in function from Google Sheets.

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Combine an array formula with query function

I want to know if there is a way that I can combine any of these 3 formulas. Sample Sheet I have in col. A3, this extracts the info in Data tab, and splits into rows: =arrayformula(substitute(...
Genny's user avatar
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Return value by lookup from multiple value

We constantly receive offers from suppliers and requests from customers. The problem is that customers and suppliers usually have several different identifiers for the same product. Like this: ...
Tamás Héjja's user avatar
2 votes
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Google Sheets: Remove column headers from a QUERY()

I'm trying to eliminate (not hide) the column headings from the following QUERY(). The output from the =QUERY() must be in a single row. =QUERY(myData!A:G, "Select SUM(E), SUM(F) WHERE D ='"&...
Mr. B's user avatar
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Google Sheets I need the column sums() of a table produced by a query()

I have a query() that outputs a table with two columns (A and B) of numbers. Pictured in IMAGE #1. =QUERY(myData!A:G, "Select E,F WHERE D ='Books'") IMAGE #1 But I need a function that ...
Mr. B's user avatar
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Query function to extract data from rows to columns (ignoring zero data) and using a drop-down box

I have only started to learn Google Sheets instead of Excel. I find it easier to understand if I have a problem to solve but the Query function quite difficult to understand. I have table of fruit ...
Lina Trading's user avatar
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Google Sheets Query - Drop down text match

I would like a query on the 'query' tab that searches sheet 'sales' and returns all values if it matches the dropdown selection on the 'query' tab
magelincs's user avatar
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Google Sheets - Group/Aggregate data

I would like a formula that groups/aggregates the data of Column A, B, C and D if column A is the same string The issue is the end of the string in column A with different sizes at the end of the ...
magelincs's user avatar
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Regexextract numbers from string

I have a regexextract formula which takes the year from Column A (column) - however this only works if the year is yyyy-yy format - however some of the years are only yyyy and it returns an error Is ...
magelincs's user avatar
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Text input if cell > than 1

I would only like the values in Column A to return if there is a value of >1 in Column B - I am unsure on a formula to do this
magelincs's user avatar
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Match value of cell if in between range and text match

Desired outcome: I would like to return a value in column C (column D is the values I'd like the formula to return) - the value in column C should return on the criteria it matches the product name in ...
magelincs's user avatar
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Extra m appears in com while working on Google Sheets

Check the above image when I add any link my Google Sheet every time an extra m appears in the end of .com. How can I resolve this?
Sumit's user avatar
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Return matching text value in cell

I have a sheet of products and skus - I would like to have a formula that searches the entire column for matching text strings and returns it in a separate cell as the text string Is this possible?
magelincs's user avatar
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1 answer

How to return multiple rows matching multiple criteria in spreadsheet

In Google Sheets, suppose I have rows like: name team memberships Ben operations legal Kate legal UK residents infrastructure growth Carlos operations senior management legal Tina operations UK ...
Ben Wheeler's user avatar
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Pivot Table - How to copy sum value onto another sheet

I have set up 3 sheets in Google sheets in related to budgeting/expenses. The first contains the full budget (say Sheet A for example); The second contains the expenses (Sheet B); and the Third ...
JW2022's user avatar
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Using Query to select colum based on headers

I have a sheet with a large table of data with a header for each column. I want to import a specific column to another sheet using the header name. I am using the below formula to do so (which has ...
Liam's user avatar
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How to stack query results into single cell formula

I'd like to generate a URL based on a list of items that will change over time and I'm having a little trouble. My data looks like this: Items URL Item 1 Item1URL Item 2 Item2URL Item 3 Item3URL ...
j110's user avatar
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Vlookup with column search by headers

I am downloading the "Data" report from the system, in which the order of the columns may be different, but their headers will always be the same and the first "ID" column will ...
Marcin212's user avatar
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In Google Sheets, take the first and last value of a query to summarize, grouped by user and shorted by date

:Edit -> added a working spreadsheet with the data I have a spreadsheet with a list of users,...
Chema Hernandez's user avatar
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How do I make text in a column appear after the rows have been filled?

I have made this spreadsheet to help our mechanical workshop track labour. I have a problem on my spreadsheet where column K displays "follow up". The end users (technicians and foreman) ...
Edward's user avatar
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Pull some data, based on a date

I need to pull some data, based on a date. QUESTION; what is the value in column D, based on a date for example 'TODAY' or 2/4/2022 I ideally want to populate this detail onto another tab, where it ...
Theforgottenmacro's user avatar
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Student Pilot Spreadsheet - Retrieving date of last landing

Overview As a student pilot I try to keep record of all my flights, total hours, costs and number of landings in Google Sheets. As a safety measure our aviation safety agency (EASA) requires pilots to ...
Klavkjir's user avatar
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Google Sheets: Is it possible to retain an IF/ELSE formula *AND* enable custom number entry into a cell?

I'm using the IF/ELSE formula in a cell: =IF(logical_expression, "TRUE", "") My use case is the following: If the logical_expression is TRUE: A logic-derived value is shown in the ...
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I want to query a set of data (multiple rows and columns) and return the rows of data based on an input value (search box) - google sheets

Raw data I want to query: I want to query this data based on an input value that could feature in any of the columns of data to then return the correct rows of data: For example if I type in 'A001' ...
AndyB's user avatar
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Getting error using AVERAGEIFS in Google Sheets

I am trying to get the average score that team members in Team 3 in a given quarter gave for a question. Column D contains team names, Column E contains the scores (on a 0-10 range). Column AK ...
user1916846's user avatar
-1 votes
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Replacing text of links in google sheets

I have a bunch of links in cells in my google sheets. I want to replace all the text of them all just to say "LINK" so that when I click on them it's still hyperlinked to the correct site. ...
Sam's user avatar
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2 votes
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Add iferror() for every error that occurs in sheet but keeps formula in this cell

I have a sheet with a lot of formulas. some of them gives me an error. I'd like to make something similar to ctrl+h and replace values but I'd love to find every cell that is giving an error and ...
pingoui's user avatar
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How to create an IF function that has multiple outputs

I am trying to create a query that populates information based on the user's selected drop downs. Query is all built and functional, and populates the items in the master data that match the selected ...
DeltaBlue's user avatar
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Formula for Daily Cash Balance Sheet

I have created a Google Form for cashiers to balance out their cash drawers at the end of each day. Currently I have the form set so that they only have to count the amount of each coin/bill and not ...
crystal turner's user avatar
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3 answers

Google Sheets: keep track of days spent in different countries

I have prepared a Google Sheet that lists all flights I have taken in recent years, alongside the departing and arriving country: Date & time From To Outbound country Inbound country Days in ...
MultiformeIngegno's user avatar
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QUERY function with date range not working and shows wrong results

I have been working on creating a personal finance spreadsheet and from my experience of using QUERY previously to create dashboards, I thought I would have no issues with this but I was wrong! The ...
Ara's user avatar
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Google Sheets App Script Sorting

I'm trying to have an auto sort function only impact one sheet in a workbook rather than all of them. I've done this in other projects and def messed this up along the way - any help is appreciated!! ...
HelplessinHyannis's user avatar
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Highlight value in column based on list of values in other column that's on the same line as another value

Is that subject confusing enough? Here's my spreadsheet: It's for calculating speed@RPM for an ...
GoremanX's user avatar
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Using IMPORTXML in Google Sheets: How to Combine XML Data Sources as a Single Set Before Applying XPATH Query

Using the IMPORTXML function on Google Sheets, I've got two XML data sets at two URLs, respectively in cells A1 and A2. I've got the XPATH query in cell H1. I would like to run a single query on the ...
Catalyx's user avatar
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Query function with variable in the Col1= [duplicate]

Here' the formula: =query({{$P$3:$P$34;$R$3:$R$34;$T$3:$T$34;$V$3:$V$34;$X$3:$X$34;$Z$3:$Z$34;$AB$3:$AB$34;$AD$3:$AD$34},{$Q$3:$Q$34;$S$3:$S$34;$U$3:$U$34;$W$3:$W$34;$Y$3:$Y$34;$AA$3:$AA$34;$AC$3:$AC$...
Jack's user avatar
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Need helping knowing how to process this data in Google Sheets

I need to sort this data in Google Sheets. I have names and then each name has 4 letters assigned to it, one in each column. An example is I need to know everyone who has a T and an I in column B and ...
Phoebe's user avatar
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Summing groups, Aggregate costs by items in groups

I have a sheet with a grouping by Feature / Subfeature / Task. Here is an example: How can I aggregate the cost from individual tasks to subfeatures (eg. rows 147-150 of Sign-In subfeature group) and ...
velop's user avatar
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Trying to count values with multiple criteria

I have a file that contains a planner with dates in the lines and the roles of my team members in the columns. I need to be able to count how many people are working per day and per role. I need to ...
Julien's user avatar
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Select were Col1 contains range of other column

I would like to ask for help with my query. Sheet1 contains another sheet that is imported with the formula import range. The first column contains the first names, the second row is the date, and ...
Marcin212's user avatar
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Problems merging 4 columns into 1 and charting them in Data Studio

I would need to unify the data from columns Metod_1,Metod_2,Metod_3,Metod_4 and Metod_5 into a single column, but keeping the resolution date data associated to each row: Having resolved the above ...
Ger D's user avatar
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i can't find the problem to this formula

=UNIQUE(QUERY({IMPORTRANGE("1xWx1FRfvCfmvYi9Sb7Gh5lIAb-NAt0RG0h-e_HKmxjU","APP Directory!A2:U");IMPORTRANGE("1xWx1FRfvCfmvYi9Sb7Gh5lIAb-NAt0RG0h-e_HKmxjU","APP ...
criss's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a way to remove entries based on condition in =filter?

I probably did not phrase my question accurately. Is there a way to remove the result 'a' because it fulfils the '<>1' condition? I am pretty sure a mixture of query and arrayformula is needed ...
helpmepls's user avatar
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How do I return query results without the 'sum' column label?

I have the following formula in Google Sheets: =QUERY(INDIRECT(C13&"!$C$5:F"), "SELECT sum(F) WHERE D ='" &$E$12 &"' AND C >= date'" &TEXT($G$4,&...
ELLIPS's user avatar
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Clear cells script

So I have a google sheet document which houses figured for each hour of the day from 6 - 16:00 (each hour in a different tab. I’m looking to add a script and a button that will allow me to clear all ...
Amy Siddell 's user avatar
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Flip a column of Data vertically Import range

I'm importing the data from another sheet using the import range. How can I flip a column of data vertically in another Google Spreadsheet? =sort(index(IMPORTRANGE("URL") E.g. if the column ...
Kumar's user avatar
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Multiple Gsheets data querys

Hey all so I currently have 3 Gsheets. 2 are sql imports with the below tables. The goal is to get the information based off a Type Id 28353 into my Master sheet. The plan is to get all values from ...
Grasume's user avatar
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Google sheets import columns based on date value

Google sheets for simplicity's sake say I have two tabs, one with master data and one that is a search function to display a certain part of the master data. The issue is I only want import certain ...
Eyetee's user avatar
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Get value of merged cells for query function

I'm trying to find if someone has been scheduled in the AM and PM in a table like this: So I want to write something like this: =QUERY(A13:B1002,"select A,B where A matches 'AM' and B contains '...
dedles's user avatar
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Using Google sheets `QUERY` instead of `VLOOKUP` - function returning empty - why?

I need to use use a "VLOOKUP" type formula to match values across two data sets, but instead of using 1 key value as you would normally with VLOOKUP in need to use 2 key values. Please see ...
sam's user avatar
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Using query/import range to combine multiple columns from Workbook A into one column in Workbook B in same order

I have one Workbook A where a client will fill in either column A or B with a value (if there's something in A1, B1 will be empty, etc.), and I'd like to connect it to Workbook B in one column. It's ...
Charlie's user avatar
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Query with long search criterion

In a Google sheet I have to search for a column containing a specific number. My search is =Query(OPGAVE_TRANS!$A$1:$AD$23;"select AD where A="&A1&" OR B="&A1&"...
Knersoe's user avatar

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