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Questions tagged [google-sheets-query]

Use for questions about QUERY built-in function from Google Sheets.

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Splitting a list contained within a single cell and want to associate/add text from a different cell in the same row to the new separated list

I am using Google Forms to collect information. In google sheet, I have rows of data and one of the cells contains lists that needs to be separated out. =query(FLATTEN(ArrayFormula(IFERROR(SPLIT(G2:G,...
T D's user avatar
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Google Sheets - QUERY - SUM() based on empty column

I need to obtain the sum(B) if the column has empty values I want to reflect 0. I am automating this process for multiple sheets using app-script and need to use QUERY. Any suggestions?
Mike S.'s user avatar
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Want Query to return first column and count across the row

I have multiple google sheets with student names and scores from different courses. I am trying to query those sheets to return the student's name and a count of completed assignments in a totals ...
Heidi Magario's user avatar
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Add one field in a queried Field

I have to work with a weirdly formatted dataset. I have a sheet where lines represent different parts of a model (bike) The first columns are checkboxes to indicate witch models the part is in. So my ...
Luke Martin's user avatar
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Google Sheet how to combine data from same sheet to other sheet

I have several tables on the same sheet with different numbers of rows and columns but basically have the same structure, now I want data from these different tables to be united in one master ...
hanna's user avatar
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How to use a query with a combination of If and Where

I have a data base on Google sheet. See the spreadsheet at this link: It s a copy so feel free to ...
Louise Répérant's user avatar
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Query formula to import the data from multiple tab sheets

I am using a query to import the data from multiple sheets, however, the formula is skipping empty cells. Is it possible to not skip empty cells and keep the data in the correct cell on the Master? ...
Engr Muhammad Asif's user avatar
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How to sum one row of multiple selected columns where a col matches a condition, but return null string instead of "0" if no match

Say you have one spreadsheet like this: A B C D E F Timestamp Name P1 P2 P3 P4 10/17/2021 16:28:47 Asha 1.2 3 .5 3.1 10/17/2021 23:01:38 Wei 0 0 0 0 Now, in another spreadsheet, you have ...
rsaw's user avatar
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Add constant number to query() result in Google Sheets

I've a QUERY() function that results into this automatically generated table: A B S 2 F 5 G 1 I'd like to add a constant value to each cell in column B like (let's say 3): A B S 5 F 8 G 4
Julian Claus's user avatar
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Make QUERY formula works when reference values are blank

I am trying to create a query to pull ALL reports available in the referenced table but then limit down the reports when options are selected. The formula I have so far is: =QUERY('Common Standard ...
David Hammond's user avatar
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How do I write a Google Sheets Query where I can use the user's input (cell reference) to determine the

The goal of this sheet I am working on is for someone to select the items they want on a report (I created a dropdown with data validation), and based on the options the user select, THIS will be the ...
David Hammond's user avatar
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How to get list of values in one column for distinct values in another column

I need to do some analyses on a set of data for work and cannot figure out how to do this. I am familiar with Google Sheets QUERY, but could not do what I want and could not find anything like it ...
jguion's user avatar
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Query Divide by Sum Column getting Error in Google Sheets

Looking to work around with error message "Add_col_to_group_by_or_agg:Col1" from formula below: Query(Query({data range},"Select etc."), "Select (Col1*Col3)/Sum(Col1)",0) ...
NG_'s user avatar
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Google Sheets - Preserving Data after Importing Range

I work in an organization where we give people jobs across 3 of our programs. I am trying to create a spreadsheet that can have a master list of all of our participants and which program they are in (...
ctp1223's user avatar
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Google Sheets Query - Divide by Sum(Col), Error

I'm doing a simple query but keep getting the error "Add_col_to_group_by_or_agg:Col1". The formula is =QUERY({L42:N63}, "Select (Col1*Col3)/Sum(Col1)",0) What I'm looking for is ...
NG_'s user avatar
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Order By and accented chars

In a Google Sheet, if we have a column with accented character strings, the sort order of menu option "Data -> Order sheet by column" correctly ignores the accents (ordered column A in ...
rafaelr's user avatar
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G Sheets - Can't seem to make not contains and is not null work together

I want to return results for col A & B where B is not blank and where F doesn't contain any city in California so, ', CA'. I can get each operator to work separately, =QUERY('805'!A1:F1105, "...
southern_exposure's user avatar
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google sheet how to import cells based on value in different cells

So I have two sheets. Sheet A tab X contains two columns, first one with an url for a google doc and in the other column text IDs. Sheet B tab Y contains a column with text ID of several more files ...
Andoriod's user avatar
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Filter Google Sheet based on multiple checkboxes

I have a Google Sheet with multiple columns filled with checkboxes with each row being for a specific product, above each column is another checkbox and the idea is to use these top checkboxes to ...
Neil Nand's user avatar
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Inventory Management where main list highlights items checked out/ in

I am working on an inventory management list where barcodes are scanned out and scanned back in. My sheet is attached to forms. I have set the item sku# on the main inventory list to highlight red ...
Christina Carroll's user avatar
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How to filter or query only selected columns based on a dropdown

I have a sheet with data, theres a section laid out 8x9 with a layout approximately similar to below (didn't recreate all 9 rows): Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet Grey X - X - - - - - X ...
P.Hall's user avatar
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ORDER BY generating error in Google Sheets' QUERY

I'm getting a '#Value!' error when I try to sort data returned by a QUERY statement. This is the basic statement: =query('Raw Data'!A:G,"Select A, C, D, sum(G) where B='instagram' and (D='Female ...
S Jacobs's user avatar
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Sheets query: Losing string values? [duplicate]

How can I get =query to handle a column of mixed numbers and strings? I have a column of accounts names. Some are purely numeric (e.g. 123), and some are alphanumeric ("x456"). A 123 ...
Mark Harrison's user avatar
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Google Sheets: one query for Sum and Filter?

If I have a sheet with data like this: A B x 1 y 2 z 3 x 4 I can sum the values with =query(A:B, "select A, sum(B) group by A") How can I then filter this result? For ...
Mark Harrison's user avatar
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Google Sheets - How to use results from INDEX formula in a new QUERY function

In Google Sheets I have an =INDEX function which is producing a number of references for data in another worksheet. I need to use those references in a QUERY function. I've not found a good way and ...
Grant Cleveland's user avatar
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How do i Import a rows from one Google Sheet to another with filter?

I have a Google Form, the answers go to Google Sheets. I want to import answers from sheets (Аnswer) into new sheets but with a filter applied. For example: from sheets (answer) into a new table, I ...
Roman Peresadyuk's user avatar
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Search a Column of Data & Enter a Specific Value based on 2 criteria

I have a sheet, where I will enter a bunch of data with skus into 1 column, and have search terms somewhere else. What I want is to automatically, look at the SKU AND the search term, and then bring ...
Genny's user avatar
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Partial match two strings with wildcard operators both ways

I have two lists of property names. Sometimes a name in List A has extra characters; sometimes List B has the extra characters. I want to pull associated data from a column in the tab with List A and ...
Elisa's user avatar
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How to show the data from another spreadsheet but only the latest week

I have 2 spreadsheet, the first one consists of all of the data of withdrawal and deposit of items. The second spreadsheet is where the summary of the data shown. Here is the master data link: https://...
arviona's user avatar
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Compare imported range with existing range, and filling corresponded data to the fields

I am not sure how to import data to corresponding cells. query(IMPORTDATA(""), "Select Col4 where Col1 = '"&A4:A&"'&...
Andrew's user avatar
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Needing to change a column to false when Data Validation is changed

I am using Google sheets and have a cell that has data validation and I am putting check boxes (I4:I) for people when items are received, they need to be changed to "False" when the Data ...
Joseph Yearous's user avatar
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Need help filtering entire rows from reference sheet to master sheet where column text meets criteria [closed]

I feel like this should be a relatively simple issue but everything I write is clearly incorrect or leaves me needing to do work manually every time new data is made. Basically I have a series of ...
Zachary M.'s user avatar
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Google Sheets: Joined queries registering as two arguments in IFERROR() function

I'm joining two queries together using an array: ={query(A1:B,"Select A where B is not null");query(C1:D,"Select C where D is not null")}. I have it wrapped in an iferror() that, ...
Michael's user avatar
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QUERY syntax using cell reference more than 1

I'm trying to use a cell reference instead of static values. =QUERY(Responses!B1:I, "Select * where G = '"&B:B&"'") I use code like this because the data is varchar, but ...
marine prasanda's user avatar
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Using query as a text join

A few days ago I reach the limit of 50000 characters in one cell, I found a solution with "query" but I need a delimiter inside the formula that I haven't been able to find: This is the ...
Julian Diaz Rojas's user avatar
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Google SpreadSheets query: how to join "grouped by" cells in a list?

Suppose I have this table: | Name | Amount | Category | | name_1 | 10 | A | | name_2 | 2 | B | | name_3 | 3 | B | | name_4 | 6 | C | Thanks to this ...
dcastro's user avatar
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Need to sum the number of instances of texts in a column using Query function in Google Sheets

Still a noob in Google Sheets. I am trying to create a sheet with the statistics with the data coming from Sales sheet . I want to sum the quantity of all items sold according to sizes. For ex. How ...
Jun Palmejar's user avatar
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How to modify Query Options no_format to allow some format, but not others?

I have to replicate a Google Sheet, and am using ImportRange and Query together. I need Query also because the first sheet has urls under them, which I cannot have on the copied sheet. I was able to ...
Wes's user avatar
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If cell in Col A is blank substitute with cell in Col B

I'm attempting to combine two columns from another sheet into one through the QUERY function. My plan is to make it so if a cell in Col A is empty then a cell in Col B will be substituted. However, ...
Claude's user avatar
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Combine data from multiple sheets to create a stacked line chart

I have multiple sheets with three columns each: Date, Invested Amt, and Return Amt. I am trying to merge the values and get a Result dataset to create a single stacked line chart of Invested vs Return ...
Borderless.Nomad's user avatar
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Cannot get Query to display time

I need help getting to show the result of a dropdown. If you look at C22, there's a dropdown for a specific date. I'm currently working on row 24 and have applied the formulas I think should work. I ...
Ody 's user avatar
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How to make variables dynamic in ARRAYFORMULA/QUERY Combination

I'm trying to self populate the first column of the "Main" sheet with a query that returns the first column of the "Finance Office" sheet that matches all three names. I came up ...
Francis Lorenzo's user avatar
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How to create Column Identifiers in Google Sheets?

I'm confused by Google's documentation where it states: Columns are referenced by the identifiers (not by labels). For example, in a Google Spreadsheet, column identifiers are the one or two ...
skube's user avatar
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What is the Google Sheet query for getting rows excluding non matching rows

The tables will have multiple entries for amount debited and credited details. It also has 5% debit and credit and 1% debit and credit entries as well. Data includes unique flag for districts, Date ...
RamKumar Rangasamy's user avatar
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What's the formula to select non matching rows by comparing rows in Google Sheets query?

In Google Sheets query, I need to get only non matching debit rows by comparing rows say if amount debited (S1 flag - row 1) matches with amount credited (S1 flag - row 3), it needs to be excluded in ...
RamKumar Rangasamy's user avatar
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Filtering views based on a cell having a value

I am trying to sort out a spreadsheet which has multiple columns in but don't really know where to start! I am looking to filter the sheet where column C has more than 3 errors for the ID on column B. ...
clearlynoexpert's user avatar
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How to use use cell references in the WHERE part of a QUERY / IMPORTRANGE formula

Can you tell me what's wrong with my formula? = QUERY (IMPORTRANGE ("url googlesheets database"; "Data range"); "SELECT Col1 WHERE Col1 =" A3 "AND Col2 =" B3 "") The "A3" and "B3&...
Philippe Dubrulle's user avatar
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How to have a query wrapped in an arrayformula auto-populate many rows

I have a query that queries over a set of rows. I want to run this query, itself, for each row in another set of rows. The one value that changes in the query for each row is something in the where ...
Chris Morris's user avatar
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Google Sheets - COUNTIFS with timestamp

I have a column in a table that contains the date and time. This is the form 15.06.2020 09:43:24 17.06.2020 08:21:04 18.06.2020 12:11:34 or also 2021-01-21 11:57:34 2021-01-21 11:58:02 2021-01-21 11:...
Marcel's user avatar
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No query result when one of the columns used in the output never has a value

I have a query where the output involves summing two columns. If either of the columns never has a value (given a set of filter criteria in the where clause), there is no result. Why? Here is an ...
Chris Morris's user avatar

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