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Questions tagged [livejournal]

Apply to questions about the blog/journal/diary and social networking service LiveJournal from SUP Media.

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Is it possible to allow a Facebook account to get a RSS feed of protected LiveJournal entries?

I have a normal LiveJournal account and take full advantage of public, friends-only, and private posts. Another person who we'll call X has a Facebook account. I know that LJ allows Facebook ...
Zian Choy's user avatar
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Transfer posts from LiveJournal to Blogger

I started off blogging using LiveJournal but I switched to Blogger as I like to do as much as possible inside the Google ecosystem. Is there an easy way to transfer my LiveJournal posts to Blogger, ...
jwaddell's user avatar
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How can I back up my LiveJournal Posts?

I have a free LiveJournal account. I know that at one time there was a way for free users to back up their Livejournal posts, but can't seem to find a way now. What tools or utilities will allow a ...
George Stocker's user avatar