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Questions tagged [migration]

Migration specifies 1) the process of moving information between different data formats or 2) the process of moving an existing user environment to a different system, for example when switching operating systems.

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23 votes
5 answers

How do I migrate a Gmail account to a G Suite Account?

I've had a regular Gmail account for years. I recently obtained a personal domain and set up G Suite on it (the free version). I would like to migrate as much as possible of my existing Gmail account ...
Raleigh Buckner's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How easy is it to migrate all your 'Google Account' based services to the 'Google Apps For Your Domain' trial

Just received the following email: I have services such as Reader and Picasa using regular Google Accounts. Is there an easy way to import them in one step? Do I have to export from every service on ...
666damo's user avatar
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29 votes
14 answers

Transfer Google Docs from one account to another

My company just changed its domain name, and we all moved our Google apps accounts (say, from [email protected] to [email protected]). We have found sufficient solutions for transferring emails, ...
Adam Matan's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Migrating Gmail account to new Google Apps email and leaving a copy behind

I can't find an easy and reliable way to migrate my old emails from Gmail to Google Apps that will leave me with a backup copy on the original account. Using Mail Fetcher, it migrates, but it doesn't ...
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