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Questions tagged [sharepoint]

Use for questions about Microsoft’s SharePoint web-based platform which at heart is a document management system. However such questions may be better suited to a sister site at

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2 answers

Looking for a simple way to announce attendance

My ask: Is there any existing solution, or maybe a clever way of using Microsoft Office 365 to announce your intention to attend at a certain date? Components / requirements: Calendar, covering ...
Lockszmith's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

How to remove a Section Break from Word? [closed]

I have a Word document on OneDrive with a bunch of empty pages delimited by Section Breaks. I would like to remove these empty pages. I tried delete, backspace, select and delete, unfortunately ...
slybloty's user avatar
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1 answer

Get excel in sharepoint to google drive [closed]

Is there any way to import an excel file located in a sharepoint into a google drive site?
Pepemujica's user avatar
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1 answer

Send to Ms SharePoint

I cannot find a setting to populate results to a SharePoint list, please help. I thought this was because I was on the trial version but even after subscribing to the $24 plan a month I still cannot ...
Mtura's user avatar
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Build a PDF document using Cognito Forms and sending it to Sharepoint List as an attachment

Is it possible to build a PDF document using Cognito Forms and push that document to SharePoint List as an attachment? I know that you can send that PDF document to email but not sure if it is ...
Daler's user avatar
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What happens if a Cognito Form cannot connect to SharePoint?

We would like to connect our Cognito Forms to our local SharePoint system. In the scenario that our SharePoint system becomes unavailable, will Cognito Forms attempt to re-send the data at a later ...
user117182's user avatar
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Save forms to SharePoint: Fieldnames vs Displaynames

Is there any way to save data to the displayname of a SharePoint list field, instead of the internal fieldname? SharePoint has a habit of changing internal fieldnames, which means that the labels on ...
Joeri Drijfhout's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

SharePoint fields missing

I have a rather large form being sent to a SharePoint list. I have recreated all of the fields as columns (single line of text) on the SharePoint list. I copied/pasted the field names into column ...
Tom's user avatar
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How to fill up Choice Field (Drop down) using SharePoint List data?

Is it possible to pull out data from SharePoint list and filled up Choice Field (With Type = Drop down)? I am able to send data to SharePoint list. I want to pull data for once specific drop down from ...
Kirti Prajapati's user avatar
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SharePoint "New Task" form

Great product so far. I love the fact that you can connect with SharePoint/Office 365. Interesting challenge: When I connect a form to a standard task list, all the standard fields are not ...
Mike's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

What authentication methods are supported for Cognito Forms connecting to Sharepoint?

Trying to connect a Cognito form to a Sharepoint Foundation 2013 list, I get: Cannot connect: invalid settings. The Sharepoint site is using Forms-based authentication with a custom role/...
Aaron's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I check in multiple files in SharePoint 2007 without admin access? [closed]

I have files in a few folders that I add to SharePoint every day. I currently have to browse to each folder in turn, and use the menu to check in each file in turn. This is a laborious and slow ...
Bernhard Hofmann's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Import and export files between Google Docs and SharePoint

How do I transfer files directly to and from Google Docs and SharePoint?
user148273's user avatar
1 vote
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Sort by IP in Sharepoint list

I have a column in Sharepoint containing IP-addresses. I can't figure out how to sort them correctly. They are being sorted like this: Rather than ...
jman's user avatar
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2 answers

Sync Outlook Calendar with Sharepoint Calendar and Google Calendar

I am looking for a way to do a somewhat complicated sync between my work and personal calendars using the cloud based Google Calendar. I was hoping someone in the community had some ideas? I ...
Ken Burkhardt's user avatar
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Outlook analyzing my sent e-mails and ...uploading the info to SharePoint?

I just noticed this in my Outlook 2010 settings: Allow analysis of sent e-mails to identify people you commonly e-mail and subjects you commonly discuss, and upload this information to the default ...
stack's user avatar
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