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1 answer

Which admins get a chance to "review everything" after I accept a Slack channel invite? Channel admins or the organization I select?

I received a Slack channel invite. It says: The organization you select is where you’ll find this channel in Slack. Admins will get a chance to review everything before you start collaborating. ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
0 votes
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How can I search for messages in Slack channels that follow a certain pattern?

E.g., I have 3 Slack channels: #hello-blue-world #test-blue-case #this-blue I have other Slack channels that don't contain blue in their names. How can I search for messages in Slack channels that ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

What does the star symbol next to "DMs" mean when searching in Slack?

What does the star symbol next to "DMs" mean when searching in Slack? Example:
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
0 votes
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How Google Sheets' new Conditional Notifications' alerts look like and why are they lost?

I realize it's a new service, but its single purpose in life is to send e-mail messages, so why am I not getting them? While the help center claims "Tip: Email notifications may not be immediate&...
LWC's user avatar
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How can I reset the numbering value of a list to 1 in Slack?

In a Slack message, I create two ordered lists that each start at 1. For example: Done: 1. Item_A1 2. Item_A2 3. Item_A3 Todo: 1. Item_B1 2. Item_B2 3. Item_B3 4. Item_B4 The lists look correct ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I search for a text present in a code block in a DM or channel in Slack?

How can I search for a text present in a code block in a DM or channel in Slack? I want to only run the search across code blocks, and not other texts. Example: in the following screenshot, if I ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Are there any downsides in converting a Slack direct message into a private Slack channel?

I'm considering converting a Slack message into a private Slack Channel. Are there any downsides in converting a Slack direct message into a private Slack channel? (E.g., missing features)
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How can I jump to the message(s) where an image was shared in Slack?

I sometimes find it convenient to look at all the images I exchanged in a DM: How can I jump to the message(s) where one of these images was shared in Slack?
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How can I search for a text present in a code snippet in a DM or channel in Slack?

How can I search for a text present in a code snippet in a DM or channel in Slack? I want to only run the search across code snippets, and not other texts.
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
0 votes
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Where can one see the history of huddles in a Slack channel via the Slack web UI?

Where can one see the history of huddles in a Slack channel via the Slack web UI? I see on
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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How can one see who started a huddle on Slack?

Example: How can one see who started a huddle on Slack?
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How can one stop a huddle on Slack?

Example: How can one stop a huddle on Slack? I don't see any option:
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I cancel a Slack message that I've sent but contains an image that is still uploading?

How can I cancel a Slack message that I've sent but contains an image that is still uploading? Example: Ctrl+Z and Escape don't do anything.
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
2 votes
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Accidentally moved slack history from one conversation to another. How can I move back?

I started a conversation today with multiple people on Slack on iOS and there was a prompt that asked if I wanted to include history. I chose yes and it moved the chat history I had with 1 person, to ...
jfc's user avatar
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What could have changed that caused guests not to be able access a Slack channel anymore?

I have a Slack account through my organization. I created a Slack channel and invited 2 guests outside my organization to join my channel. They used to be able to use the Slack channel for 2 weeks, ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How can I quickly send an MS Outlook meeting invite to all the members of a Slack DM group?

I have to send an MS Outlook meeting invite to all the members of a Slack DM group. How can I quickly do so? I don't want to have to copy paste member name/email one by one. If this helps, MS Outlook ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
1 vote
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How can Alice share with Bob a link to a Slack message posted in a channel both Alice and Bob can access, but via a different workspace of a same org?

Alice and Bob belong to the same Slack org but different Slack workspaces inside that org: Alice is in aliceworkspace workspace, Bob is in bobworkspace workspace. Alice and Bob are both in a channel ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Use ⌘ + tab_number to navigate to a different chrome tab

When using the Slack web app in Chrome, how can I get ⌘ + tab_number to navigate to a different Chrome tab? This works from any tab except for Slack web app. This used to work but stopped working in ...
lf215's user avatar
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What are the shortcut keys to get me to individual Slack sub-tabs?

Cmd + Shift + M brings me to the activity page but is there a key combo for getting to individual sub-parts (e.g. mentions, threads, reactions)?
Jedi's user avatar
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Slack - Unable to join external channel

We have three users. Two users, User A and User B, were invited by an external user, User C to an external channel and joined just fine. User A invited me and I joined just fine to this external ...
Jossie Calderon's user avatar
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Is there a way to access and manage a Slack Workflow as text?

Slack provides a visual editor for its Workflows, but I need to have all my organizations DevOps under source control (and as text). Is there a way to access and manage a Slack Workflow as text?
orome's user avatar
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How can I view or search across all the group direct messages sent by Bob to groups where Alice is present in Slack?

I use I have group messages between the following groups (I am also a member of each of these groups): Alice, Bob Alice, Bob, Charlie Bob, Charlie Alice, Bob, Charlie, David Bob, ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
1 vote
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Does slack have any sort of read receipt capabilities? [duplicate]

I'm curious if there's any such capability in Slack to receive a written notification, maybe by SlackBot or via email or something, which will notify me when an individual(s) have read a given message....
jxramos's user avatar
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2 answers

When one of my Slack messages receives an emoji reaction, where can I see when the emoji reaction was sent?

My Slack messages sometime receive emoji reactions. When one of my Slack messages receives an emoji reaction, where can I see when the emoji reaction was sent? Example of emoji reaction: Mouse over ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
2 votes
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Can some slack permissions give apps access to all private and direct messages? [closed]

Some students have added some apps to slack that have the following permissions: channels:history View messages and other content in a user’s public and private channels groups:history View messages ...
ha301's user avatar
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Is there a way to see when a Slack user is typically online?

I'm a freelance programmer and one of my clients has a Slack workspace that I use to communicate with coworkers. To do my work I often need to ask questions of one or more of my coworkers, but often ...
Nathan Wailes's user avatar
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How to undo "Also block previews from this website in the future"? [closed]

When sharing a URL via Slack, a preview appears. You can click on the X next to the preview to remove the preview. This shows the following form: The checkbox option labeled "Also block ...
barsh's user avatar
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How can I view the channels that I have been added to recently on Slack?

How can I view the channels that I have been added to recently on Slack? I searched the question on Google, and looked at, but I didn't see any answer. When I get added to a Slack ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
0 votes
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How can I prevent Slack from replacing ":)" with some emoji when I write a message?

By default, Slack replaces :) with some emoji when I write a message. How can I prevent Slack from replacing ":)" with some emoji when I write a message?
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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1 answer

How to see the messages with all the mentions of my name in specific slack Channel

My slack group is called: TransBio_NB. In the channel called "subgroup generative modeling," I want to find all the messages where my name @juan P. Munoz Diaz, was ...
JuanMuñoz's user avatar
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How can I list all the direct message groups where myself and a given user belong to in Slack?

I want to list the direct message groups where at least myself and another user belong to in Slack. How can I achieve that?
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Why is my slack account associated with a channel I joined?

As I lack the basic understanding of Slacks user management, I probably word this question wrong. Please bear with me. Here is the issue: I frequently get invited into the Slack channels of my ...
Zsolt Szilagyi's user avatar
7 votes
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How can I prevent Slack from adding previews when I send links in a Slack message?

I don't want to have to click on "remove preview" for each link each time I send a message: Note: I don't want to turn off link previews for myself only, but instead I want my messages ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Slack: How to be notified about new activity via email?

TLDR: In the Slack options, I can select to be notified about direct messages and mentions. How can I be notified about all new activity via email? Long version: I want to keep track of what happens ...
malbert's user avatar
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How can I create a single Slack window that contains all my recent messages?

Slack does a great job of making a popup appear on my computer when I receive messages that should be looked at. Unfortunately, those popups are transient and disappear after a few seconds on my ...
Mark Harrison's user avatar
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How do I list all channels that a particular user created in Slack?

Is there a way to list all the channels created by a given user (or by Me)? A search query like: #channels I dont see this information on user's profile page on Slack desktop ...
jerrymouse's user avatar
1 vote
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Trying to open an attachment in Slack: `{"ok":false,"error":"team_not_found"}` when clicking on "see it in full"

I am trying to open an attachment (JSON file, a few KBs) in Slack that someone sent me and get the error: {"ok":false,"error":"team_not_found"} when clicking on "...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

How can I perform a search over only my direct messages in Slack?

I'd like to perform a search (e.g., "webapps") over my direct messages. How can I perform a search over only my direct messages in Slack?
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How are channels sorted in a section in Slack?

It says alphabetically: However, it's not 100% alphabetically: How are channels sorted in a section in Slack?
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can I see which Slack channel(s) myself and another Slack user are both a member of?

I wonder how I can see which Slack channel(s) myself and another Slack user in my workspace are both a member of.
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to forward/integrate Discourse posts to/with Slack?

I would like to submit Discourse posts to a Slack channel. When I googled the topic some old blog posts came up from 2016/17 for an integration that seems deprecated. What's the recommended way to set ...
Cornelius Roemer's user avatar
3 votes
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Disable typing notification in slack

In Slack setting there is status looks like John Doe is typing ... I found in the preferences a way to hide it with: Additional options ☑️ Display information about who is currently typing a message ...
wim's user avatar
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is there a way to undo a deleted channel on slack?

I mistakenly deleted a channel that was and need to continue be active. is there a workaround to undo the delete?
Dr.nina's user avatar
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How can I view most recent Slack activity or save a search?

This question has been asked before: "I have a few unread messages among my dozens of Slack channels. I click one my channels to read the new message there. I quickly remember I need to respond ...
Simon Chase's user avatar
2 votes
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Slack won't let me install new GitHub app saying I'm over free app quota, BUT I AM NOT?

Slack has been nagging me ceaselessly to upgrade the GitHub application, so I decided to go ahead and do it. I went to and clicked the "Add to Slack" button, and it ...
Szczepan Hołyszewski's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Find another user's most recent activity in Slack

Our organization has a lot of Slack channels. Is it possible to figure out where a given user has been publicly posting most recently? For example, I'd like to search for user Bob and get a result ...
I.P. Freeley's user avatar
12 votes
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In Slack, how to find conversations (threads) that involve two specific persons

I can use from:@Some Person and to:@Some Person in Slack search but that doesn't find plain mentions, or just interactions between two people when they don't necessarily tag each other. My use case is ...
Borek Bernard's user avatar
1 vote
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Can I invite someone to Slack channel without their seeing all other channels in my workspace?

I have a Slack workspace for my office, and want to create a channel for a particular project, and add the client to that channel. But I don't want to client to see our 'General' channel etc. Is there ...
RNdev's user avatar
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How to permanently save time zone in Slack profile?

I've set the time zone in Slack in my profile, but it keeps being reset to "(UTC) Monrovia, Reykjavik". Sometimes it "survives" a page refresh, other times it doesn't. I'm logged ...
l0b0's user avatar
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Search non-direct messages in slack

In slack, can I search messages in public/private channels only? I would like to exclude direct messages to me from the search because I know I have already read them. I am interested in finding ...
elexhobby's user avatar
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