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Questions tagged [the-old-reader]

For questions about the use of The Old Reader, a web-based news aggregator.

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How do I merge my RSS feeds in "The Old Reader"?

I am using "The Old Reader" to keep track of my responses on Stack Exchange. How can I merge this with another link to also show "votes" or "featured", etc. in the same subscription without having to ...
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How to have The Old Reader show more than the 10 first items of my RSS feed

I'm trying to subscribe to the Biophysical Journal RSS feed via The Old Reader. There are a couple of RSS sources to work with (curiously, but not related to this question directly, the feed by Cell....
Yuval's user avatar
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How to assign a feed to an existing folder in The Old Reader

How can I assign a new feed to an existing folder in The Old Reader? If the folder appears on the left (thus has unread items) then I can drag and drop the new feed into the existing folder. However, ...
Dror's user avatar
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In The Old Reader, other than drag and dropping, how can I move a feed / subscription to another folder?

The Old Reader feed aggregator's 'How To' page states that: Organize feeds - You can drag & drop feeds and folders to change their position. Creating a new feed folder is as easy as dragging ...
galacticninja's user avatar
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In The Old Reader, how do I add a feed to multiple folders?

I just migrated my RSS feeds from Google Reader to The Old Reader. But after adding a new feed in The Old Reader, how do I give it multiple tags? Tags are visualized as folders, so another way to ...
qazwsx's user avatar
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