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How do I find out which version and version number of MS 365 Word I'm running?

I'm using a program titled Word at Help has no About box. This lists six versions. Support refers to two versions, but the nearest match to here ("Windows") ...
ChrisJJ's user avatar
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All pictures inside my Office 365 word got disappear

I have a word document with 219 pages, and all pages contain one or 2 pictures. the size of the file was above 20 MB . now suddenly when i open it , it size is only 87 KB and all pictures are showing ...
John John's user avatar
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Avoiding copying and pasting text by using Microsoft Outlook or a third-party web app?

I was wondering if there was tool available that would automate copying and pasting form emails from a Word document into another program (Salesforce comments). I envision something where a user ...
mirae2000's user avatar
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Converting multiple Word docs into Google Docs format at once, after they have already been uploaded into Google Drive

Can I convert several Word documents into Google Docs format at one time (after they have already been uploaded into my Google Drive)?
Kathy Galeher's user avatar