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Questions tagged [youtube-studio]

For questions about YouTube Studio, formerly YouTube Creator Studio, a platform that enables YouTube content creators to manage their channels.

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What does "Replace All" do in YouTube Studio?

I want to use YouTube Studio's "Replace all" feature to replace a word in multiple video titles. I expected there to be two fields, the text to replace and what to replace it with, but to my ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
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How do I unschedule a video?

I scheduled a video on my channel to be publicly watchable on a certain date. How do I cancel the schedule and leave the video as private? I see options to change when the video goes public, but no ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
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Where can I add some private information on a video I uploaded on YouTube and publicly shared?

I uploaded a video on YouTube. I shared it publicly. Where can I add on YouTube some private information on a video? E.g., is there any field in the YouTube Studio that would allow me to write down ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Why do some YouTube videos have a filename while others don't?

Some YouTube videos have a filename, e.g.: and other don't: Both others don't. Why? What decides whether a YouTube video has a filename?
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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I added a few music tracks to my YouTube video with YouTube Studio. How can I automatically have them play sequentially instead of simultaneously?

I have a 30-minute video YouTube. I use YouTube Studio to add some music from YouTube Audio Library. I've added 5 tracks from YouTube Audio Library. By default, these 5 tracks are stacked together at ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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How to get Youtube to auto caption my videos?

I've uploaded some portuguese videos on Youtube hoping that I can get auto-subtitles but Youtube still shows that cc is unavailable 2 days after the upload. How can I get it to work? The dialogue is ...
Superhuman's user avatar
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Can the filename of a video uploaded to YouTube be seen by someone other than the uploader?

The filename of a video uploaded to YouTube can be seen by the uploader: Can the filename of a video uploaded to YouTube be seen by someone other than the uploader? Assume that the video title is ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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The estimate time when meting or replacing song in a YouTube studio

Does someone know the estimated time for doing mute / replace song on YouTube? Let's say my YouTube video (a live past stream to be precise) contain song with 5 minutes song. Then I do song mute / ...
Adi Prasetyo's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I add a new audio track with uploaded sounds or music?

It seems as if YouTube Studio is still in alpha. There is no obvious way to upload your own sounds or music to use as a track, and you're stuck with their own canned sounds. There's even a link to an &...
glenviewjeff's user avatar
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What caption certification should I use for my YouTube video that contains parts from an anime and a movie? [closed]

The video I want to upload on YouTube contains parts and background music themes from an anime and a movie. I will also turn off monetization for my video. I absolutely do not want to earn a single ...
Sargon Torchrise's user avatar
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How to Add a Subscribe Button to Your Video, There Is No BRANDING Menu

I want to add a Subscribe Button to my youtube video. Youtube had many updates in year 2020. Please check this video that i followed : How to Add a Subscribe Button to Your Video | 2020 YouTube Studio ...
SilverLight's user avatar
2 votes
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Is editing part of Youtube audio in a video possible via the Youtube editor?

I have an uploaded video and I want to cut sections of audio (strong language) or add beeps on top without reuploading the video.
Wkless's user avatar
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Is it possible to auto report copyrighted content usage on YouTube to avoid strikes?

I noticed that uploading content on YouTube which is not immediately recognized as copyrighted by someone else on the platform, creators become subsceptible to get copyright strikes out of the blue. ...
Scrooge McDuck's user avatar
4 votes
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How to rotate a video in the new YouTube Studio?

Is it possible to rotate a video in the new YouTube Studio even after Google removed the "Classic Studio" button?
XPloRR's user avatar
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YouTube won't playback my videos in high resolution

I've uploaded some 1080x1920p (portrait layout) MP4 H.264 videos to my YouTube channel, but YouTube only allows playback on them at a max resolution of 480p. How can I get them to allow playback at ...
cp.engr's user avatar
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How to add annotations/cards/end screens to a YouTube video?

I'm studying a lot of tutorials out there, but none of them show the current YouTube interface, which looks like YouTube removed the option to insert those text annotations into the video. Could ...
Rogério Dec's user avatar
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Is this a YouTube feature?

I am seeing more and more of this stylization in music (audio only) tracks on YouTube. Is it some kind of feature where you just upload the audio and it sets everything up as per the tags and cover ...
Neeraj Kumar's user avatar
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How to make YouTube video private to allow viewing only for specific people (using new Studio Beta, 2019)?

I'm trying to make one video private so that I can share it only with a few people. But every tutorial that I can find shows how to do it the old way, I guess, and it doesn't match what I see on the ...
c00000fd's user avatar
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YouTube glitch that sporadically inserts a static "subliminal" image for 1 frame of uploaded video

In the following video that I've uploaded to my YouTube channel, a still image from the beginning of the video flashes for 1 frame many times throughout the video. Here's an example right after the 5:...
Alan Turing's user avatar
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Adding Text Annotation AFTER uploading a YouTube Video

I misspoke in the middle of a video I uploaded to YouTube and I'd like to insert a text annotation into the video (at that point) to clarify the error. I've already posted the video-link to a forum ...
Lonnie Best's user avatar
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How do I watch my own videos?

Google moved My Videos section to YouTube Studio, I can't actually figure out a way to make a video I've uploaded play, let alone find a link to it. I see all sorts of options to change the thumbnail, ...
Arepo's user avatar
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6 votes
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How do I get a list with all the subscribers of my YouTube Channel?

I have a YouTube channel and tried to find my subscribers at the following link: I can see the total number of subscribers, but I can not access all the names of ...
LCarvalho's user avatar
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Where are YouTube messages sent?

On the About page of some YouTube channels there's a "Send message" button for contacting them through private message. As an example, here's the about page from my channel. Where are these messages ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I share a private YouTube video with someone?

I have uploaded a YouTube video and marked it as private. Now I want to share it with someone. I have tried to share it a few times, but they have not received any email notification. What is the ...
Raj More's user avatar
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