A workaround, for PC users who are *really* keen to import lots of items into Trello: If you're on a Windows PC, and you've really got too much text to use a manual copy-and-paste route, then it might be worth your while to have a go with [AutoHotKey][1], which allows you to write scripts that automate PC applications. The following isn't meant to be a complete description of how to implement it, but instead to just give a flavour of what AutoHotKey could do. Here is an example sequence of AutoHotKey commands, that adds three items, "Foo", "Bar" and "It works with multi-word items too": +^!1:: Send, Foo{ENTER} Sleep 20 Send, Bar{ENTER} Sleep 20 Send, It works with multi-word items too{ENTER} Sleep 20 Send, {ESC} Return If you had AutoHotKey installed, then you would use this by: 1. Load this script into AutoHotKey 2. Open up your Trello board, and click "Add Card" in the list you want to add to 3. Hit Ctrl+Shft+Alt+1 to make AutoHotKey "type" the following text The above example just shows that it's possible to script Trello with AutoHotKey. In order to use this for your task, you'd also need code to read the lines from your text file. See the [documentation for `Loop`][2] for a way to do that. (Disclaimer: in FireFox 6.0.2 on Windows, the above commands insert the list items in reverse order: you could obviously work around this by processing the file in reverse order) [1]: http://www.autohotkey.com/ [2]: http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/commands/LoopReadFile.htm