### Instructions: 1. Go to [your Playlists page](https://music.youtube.com/library/playlists). 2. Scroll to the bottom of the Playlists page (making sure that all your playlists have loaded). 3. Press F12 to open your console. 4. Paste this JavaScript into your console. ``` const playlists = []; document.querySelectorAll("ytmusic-two-row-item-renderer").forEach(playlist => { const title = playlist.querySelector(".details > .title-group").innerText; const url = playlist.querySelector("a").href; if(title !== "New playlist" && title !== "Your Likes") playlists.push({title, url}); }); 5. (optional) To sort it, enter this: ``` playlists.sort((a,b) => (a.title > b.title) ? 1 : ((b.title > a.title) ? -1 : 0)); 6. Do what you'd like with the array of objects. I provide a few options below. <hr> If you want the output in JSON form, just stringify it: ``` JSON.stringify(tracklistObj, null, '\t'); ``` If you want a plain text version: ``` let myString = ""; playlists.forEach(list => myString += `${list.title} - ${list.url}\n`); myString; ``` If you want to have the output be an HTML list: ``` let myHTML = "<ul>"; playlists.forEach(list => myHTML += `<li><a href="${list.url}" target="_blank">${list.title}</a></li>` ); myHTML += "</ul>"; ```