### Instructions:

 1. Go to [your Playlists page](https://music.youtube.com/library/playlists).
 2. Scroll to the bottom of the Playlists page (making sure that all your playlists have loaded).
 3. Press F12 to open your console.
 4. Paste this JavaScript into your console.
    const playlists = [];

    document.querySelectorAll("ytmusic-two-row-item-renderer").forEach(playlist => {
      const title = playlist.querySelector(".details > .title-group").innerText; 
      const url = playlist.querySelector("a").href;

      if(title !== "New playlist" && title !== "Your Likes")
        playlists.push({title, url});
 5. (optional) To sort it, enter this:
    playlists.sort((a,b) => (a.title > b.title) ? 1 : ((b.title > a.title) ? -1 : 0));
 6. Do what you'd like with the array of objects. I provide a few options below.


If you want the output in JSON form, just stringify it:

JSON.stringify(tracklistObj, null, '\t');

If you want a plain text version:

let myString = "";
playlists.forEach(list => myString += `${list.title} - ${list.url}\n`);

If you want to have the output be an HTML list:

let myHTML = "<ul>";
playlists.forEach(list => myHTML += `<li><a href="${list.url}" target="_blank">${list.title}</a></li>` );
myHTML += "</ul>";