I've subscribed to some newsletters. To keep my inbox as empty as possible, I open the browser version (newsletter mostly provide a link to a browser version) in a new tab and save it to my Pocket queue. I'm looking for a way to add the newsletter from the gmail web interface (or more likely the browser version of it) to Pocket. I don't want to open the mails everytime, tho. Is this even possible? **newsletters to add:** * Web Design Weekly * Responsive Design Weekly * CSS Weekly * Sidebar.io **1. natively with Pocket?** That's not possible. The Pocket guys say ([Source](http://help.getpocket.com/customer/portal/questions/474490-any-way-to-send-full-email-to-pocket-)), there is no way to integrate Pocket into email clients like in some RSS clients. **2. possible IFTTT solution?** * in gmail, newsletters get the label *Newsletter* through a filter (skip inbox, mark as read) * new emails in the label *Newsletter* trigger an IFTTT receipe * now it can save something like the Email body to Pocket – but to to make this work like intended, the link to the browser version has to appear as the first one in the whole mail. **3 Send Link to `[email protected]`** * Pocket adds a item to your list, if you send an email with the link to `[email protected]` – however it only uses the first link appearing in the mail * If the link to the browser/online version is always the first in my example newletters, it should work. But do image ULR's inside `src=""` count as an URL, too?